
CNN Hosts Reportedly Hire Armed Security Because of Trump Calling Them Out


CNN has reportedly offered their on-air staff armed security after Trump called fake news “the enemy of the people.”

TMZ reports that CNN offered around the clock protection to reporters and anchors who Trump has criticized. According to TMZ, the fear is that Trump’s criticism will lead to violence against journalists.

The heightened concern for safety can probably also be attributed to last month’s bomb scares, when CNN’s headquarters in New York intercepted pipe bombs addressed to CNN contributors.

CNN reportedly offered employees targeted by Trump’s criticism any level of protection they ask for. This ranges from security to and from work, to 24/7 armed guards.

While some in the establishment media accuse the president of encouraging violence, the president himself has been a vocal critic of what he calls “fake news.” In Trump’s opinion, many in the news report falsely in order to stir up conflict.

He recently wrote a string of tweets condemning fake news and asking the media to report accurately and fairly. In his opinion, this it what is necessary to bring Americans together.

Do you think Trump is encouraging violence?

CNN in particular has a history of drawing criticism from the president.

During one of Trump’s press conferences recently, an incident caught on camera involving CNN reporter Jim Acosta earned even more censure than usual from the president.

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Acosta, who is strongly opposed to Trump, went on the offense during the Wednesday conference, attacking Trump’s characterization of the migrant caravan.

He shot the president loaded questions, such as asking if Trump thinks he “demonized immigrants” during the midterm elections, to which Trump answered, “No, I want them to come into the country, but they have to come to the country legally.”

Trump called on another reporter, but Acosta interrupted and refused to let a White House aide pass the shared press microphone to the next journalist.

“I tell you what, CNN should be ashamed of itself, having you working for them,” Trump told Acosta. “You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn’t be working for CNN.”

Trump certainly has no qualms about calling people out, however, he’s not supporting violence by doing so.

People like to characterize Trump supporters as violent idiots just looking for a fight, when most are actively trying to bring unity back to politics.  Hopefully, CNN’s precautions will be completely undue.

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Karista Baldwin studied constitutional law, politics and criminal justice.
Karista Baldwin has studied constitutional law, politics and criminal justice. Before college, she was a lifelong homeschooler in the "Catholic eclectic" style.
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