
CNN Correspondent Uses Woman’s Medical Emergency To Attack Trump


During President Donald Trump’s last rally of the campaign trail, a woman collapsed in a medical emergency. Someone started singing “Amazing Grace.” Eventually, the entire stadium joined in.

This simple act touched many Americans on the eve of a hotly contested election. Social media erupted. President Trump was thanked for putting God first after applauding the song.

Of course, not everyone in the Missouri stadium was impressed.

Jeff Zeleny, a senior White House correspondent with CNN, described Trump standing on stage quietly. “Very awkward and near silent,” Zeleny tweeted. It seems a woman’s medical emergency taking place at a Trump rally is all the ammunition needed.

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By itself, the tweet seems harmless — maybe even benign. But it was part of a Twitter thread Zeleny was posting from the Missouri rally that had an undeniably anti-Trump tone.

When White House adviser Kellyanne Conway and press secretary Sarah Sanders were called to the stage after first daughter Ivanka Trump spoke, a Zeleny tweet cynically called it “part of the White House effort to showcase women.”

When the crowd chanted “four more years,” obviously referring to Trump’s presidential terms, Zeleny snarkily posted, “I think they mean six?” The national media love to insult the intelligence of the rubes in the flyover states.

With that kind of context, it’s hard to see the phrase “very awkward” in Zeleny’s post as anything but a snide attack on the president’s response to the sudden emergency.

It’s unclear what Zeleny thought President Trump should have done. Without medical training, even moving someone with certain injuries can be a fatal mistake, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Twitter users were quick to call out the underhanded attack.

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An attack on President Trump is expected. An attack using a woman’s medical emergency is an entirely different story.

Thankfully, negativity did not dominate the headlines coming out of the rally. The crowd’s singing was quickly reported by media outlets as a huge sign of positivity and the American spirit during tough political times.

Video of the encounter can be easily found online after going viral just hours before election day. A clip posted on USA Today’s YouTube channel shows paramedics wheeling the woman out as the crowd roars with the song.

More positivity came directly after the elections. Although Democrats were unable to flip the Senate, this did not result in any major rioting or looting. This is a major improvement from 2016, which saw widespread civil disruption.

With only two years before Donald Trump’s second run for the presidency, America’s left has a lot of growing up to do.

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Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard and is a husband, dad and aspiring farmer.
Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He is a husband, dad, and aspiring farmer. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard. If he's not with his wife and son, then he's either shooting guns or working on his motorcycle.
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