
CNN Anchor's Credibility Shot to Pieces After Avenatti Photo Surfaces


CNN wants desperately to be seen as the authority on journalistic integrity and factual news … but they just got caught with their bias showing.

In the latest blow to the cable network’s credibility, a photo is circulating that shows just how skewed their reporters may be. At the center of the image is Michael Avenatti, the high-powered attorney who is representing adult film star Stormy Daniels in an ongoing lawsuit against President Donald Trump.

And the others in the photo? Well, it looks like some of CNN’s biggest names have no problem partying up a storm with Avenatti by night, while pretending to be fair and unbiased journalists by day.

“Avenatti with CNNers Don Lemon, political analyst Errol Louis, and political commentator Margaret Hoover,” summarized Curtis Houck of NewsBusters, who shared the photo of them all partying with the man suing the president.

“Great look, guys! Definitely not showing everyday viewers you’re cozy with people you cover and praise on air,” Houck mocked the CNN talking heads. “Ethics of journalism 101!”

Speaking of not-so-ethical journalism, just how skewed has CNN’s coverage of the Avenatti lawsuit been? James Hasson, a contributor for The Federalist, captured the problem nicely.

“A few facts: (1) CNN hosted @MichaelAvenatti 74 times over the past 70 days,” he pointed out.

“(2) CNN hosts have been criticized for not fact-checking Avenatti during his spots (example: Don Lemon interview last night),” Hasson continued.

Do you think CNN anchors are too close to their guests to remain unbiased?

“(3) Here are 3 CNN journalists partying with Avenatti,” he wrote, referencing the photo of Stormy Daniels’ attorney having a grand ol’ time out on the town with Lemon and other CNN journalists.

“(4) This is an (apple).” His last point was a dig at the network’s viral — and bizarre — promotional video, where CNN acted as if all other outlets are skewed while they are the only straight-shooters in news.

The conservative reporter summarized the problem perfectly. “For a network whose hosts frequently complain about distrust of the media, @CNN has been making a h— of a case lately for why Americans should think media figures are biased,” he pointed out.

He’s not wrong. It would be one thing if CNN “journalists” like Don Lemon were upfront and disclosed that they personally partied with the same anti-Trump figures they give a platform to daily. That would still be distasteful, but at least viewers would know about the bias.

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Instead, it is a bait-and-switch con. Lemon and others put on their serious faces for the camera, and act as if they are conducting hard-hitting, unbiased interviews to get to the truth.

In reality, they are just tossing softball questions at their well-connected pals before they go hit the bar with their own guests. They have no incentive to fact check or call out false statements, because that would mean criticizing their drinking buddies.

It’s all one club, one echo chamber of reporters and political operatives like Avenatti who have the same joint goal: Take down Republicans, while fooling viewers into thinking they’re watching even-handed journalism.

In a word, it’s a sham … but the American people are starting to catch on.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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