
Chuck Schumer Quietly Deletes Father's Day Post After People Notice What's on His Grill


Sen. Chuck Schumer chose to delete a Father’s Day post after the public noticed, with both humor and revulsion, what was on the politician’s grill.

The original post was made Sunday on X, formerly known as Twitter, before being sent to the memory hole shortly after.

“Our family has lived in an apartment building for all our years,” Schumer wrote, “but my daughter and her wife just bought a house with a backyard and for the first time we’re having a barbecue with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill!”

A picture attached to the post showed Schumer grinning over a grill, apparently flipping raw hamburgers and putting cheese on them well before they’ve reached a safe temperature.

The internet took instant notice at this disgusting and unsanitary practice before flooding into the comments section.

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While Schumer may have purged the picture from his profile, many people were quick to grab a screenshot of the original post.

While the patty with cheese does appear to have char marks from the grill, the gray color hints it’s far from done and definitely not ready for a slice of American on top.

Would you eat a burger at Schumer’s cookout?

The USDA advises that ground meat should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Uncooked and undercooked meat can harbor dangerous pathogens that can easily turn a cookout into a ground zero for sickness.

Of course the underdone cheeseburger is only a symptom of the true sickness in this photo.

“Chuck Schumer has been a politician for 49 years,” former SEAL Team Six member Robert O’Neill wrote in response to the picture. “He proved this weekend he has no idea how to grill a cheeseburger. But trust him about what the weather will do in 5 decades.”

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It appears that in his desperate attempt to connect with average Americans, one of the most powerful men in the country revealed he does not know how to run a grill.

The problem isn’t just with Grillmaster Schumer either, but with the cadre of people that forms around high-level politicians. The photo was likely seen by at least one person before being posted (the photo wasn’t taken by the lawmaker himself, after all), and nobody voiced a concern about the dismal situation on the grill.

People were quick to point out that another powerful man, former President Donald Trump, has no problem at a cookout. Video from an Iowa State fraternity tailgate in September 2023 showed 45 flipping patties to a cheering crowd.

The difference between the two couldn’t be more clear.

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Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard and is a husband, dad and aspiring farmer.
Jared has written more than 200 articles and assigned hundreds more since he joined The Western Journal in February 2017. He is a husband, dad, and aspiring farmer. He was an infantryman in the Arkansas and Georgia National Guard. If he's not with his wife and son, then he's either shooting guns or working on his motorcycle.
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