
China Finally Finds a Use for Its Shoddy Vaccines, Proves the Communist Regime Will Do Whatever It Takes


China will do anything to avoid being held accountable for its human rights atrocities.

The communist dictatorship’s latest stunt reportedly involves using its less-than-stellar Sinovac vaccine as leverage to get desperate, smaller nations to do its bidding.

The Beijing government has spent more than a year trying to squelch increasingly credible accusations that the coronavirus pandemic came from one of its laboratories at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Now, it’s fighting accusations that it used a threat to withhold delivery of a vaccine against COVID-19 to pressure the government of Ukraine into removing its name from a Human Rights Council statement critical of China’s treatment of the Uyghur Muslims in its western province of Xinjiang.

Western diplomats made the accusation in a story reported Friday by The Associated Press.

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“Ukraine briefly joined a statement by over 40 countries, presented by Canada at the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday, urging China to allow immediate access for independent observers to Xinjiang,” the AP reported. “Some human rights groups have alleged Chinese mistreatment of Muslim Uyghurs and others in the region.

“On Thursday, Ukraine pulled its name off the list of supporting states after Chinese authorities warned Kyiv that they would block a planned shipment of at least 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Ukraine unless it did so, said diplomats from two Western countries. The diplomats spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.”

China, naturally, is denying the story.

“China’s provision of vaccines and anti-epidemic materials to other countries is not meant to gain benefits from other countries and there isn’t any geopolitical purpose nor any political conditions attached,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement, according to an AP follow-up story.

Should China be held accountable for its human rights abuses?

According to the AP, Ukraine contracted to purchase 1.9 million doses of the Synovac vaccine — which is also known as CoronaVac — from China. As of early May, it had received 1.2 million doses.

Delivery of a shipment of 500,000 doses was put on hold pending Ukraine’s decision on whether to keep its signature on the Human Rights Council’s statement, the AP reported.

A Ukraine lawmaker attempted to downplay the report.

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“As for the committee, we have not yet received any information [confirming] that,” Oleksandr Merezhko, the foreign policy committee chairman of Ukraine’s parliament, told Radio Free Europe.

Considering China’s record of cover-ups and disinformation throughout the pandemic, however, denials of the story have to be taken with a grain of salt.

These reports should not be surprising to anybody, as preying on the vulnerable — whether it is ethnic groups or smaller countries — is the Chinese communist party’s forte.

Perhaps the cruelest part about China’s reported behavior toward Ukraine is that there are questions surrounding the effectiveness of the Sinovac vaccine in the first place.

Unlike the highly effective and safe vaccines developed by American companies such as Pfizer and Moderna, widespread use of Sinovac has not kept some countries from experiencing significant COVID-19 outbreaks, according to The New York Times.

A major reason for this has to do with Sinovac’s 51 percent efficacy, which might be decent in some respects but looks downright shoddy compared with the 95 percent efficacy of Pfizer’s vaccine and the 94.1 percent efficacy of Moderna’s.

In addition, according to a Wall Street Journal report, 10 of 26 Indonesian doctors who died of the coronavirus this month had been fully vaccinated with Sinovac.

China is well aware that the world is catching on to its horrific treatment of the Uyghur Muslims and is using every tool possible to suppress any form of condemnation.

Unfortunately, the Beijing dictatorship is now apparently using a pandemic it might have caused as an opportunity to take advantage of less-powerful countries.

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Cameron Arcand is a former writer for The Western Journal.
Cameron Arcand is a political commentator based in Phoenix, Arizona. In 2017 as a school project, he founded, which has grown exponentially since its founding. He has interviewed several notable conservative figures, including Dave Rubin, Peggy Grande and Madison Cawthorn.

In September 2020, Cameron joined The Western Journal as a Commentary Writer, where he has written articles on topics ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic, the "Recall Gavin Newsom" effort and the 2020 election aftermath. The "Young Not Stupid" column launched at The Western Journal in January 2021, making Cameron one of the youngest columnists for a national news outlet in the United States. He has appeared on One America News and Fox 5 DC. He has been a Young America's Foundation member since 2019.
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