
Examining 'Died Suddenly' Claims and Rubbery Clot Rumors - What Typical Embalmers, Dr. Ryan Cole Told Us

Nobody has heard of these embalmers before. They have nothing to gain but everything to lose by coming forward.
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Mandates to Follow? Feds Race to Prepare Millions of Vaccines for 'Low Risk, Rare' Bird Flu

Is avian flu the newest ploy to keep Biden in the Oval Office? Many believe the current uptick is driven more by politics than health.
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Are the UN and Globalist Banks Secretly Collaborating to Control the US Farming Industry? - What You Need to Know

It's not just a rumor. Elite banks are banding together and trying to control the farming industry. They'll do, too, if they aren't stopped.
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Here Comes 'Degrowth Communism': How Globalists and the Left Want You Suffer to Save the Planet

Degrowth Communism wants to get rid of capitalism to save the planet. Innovators beware. Your time has come.
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Bidenomics: Food Stamps for 'Work-Capable Recipients' to Cost Taxpayers Billions, Watchdog Reports

Consistent with their broader assault on American principles, liberals in government have eviscerated work requirements for food stamps.
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