
California Gov. Signs 'Legally Dubious' Law To Keep Trump off 2020 Ballot if He Doesn't Release His Tax Returns


If you can’t beat President Donald Trump at the ballot box, why not push through a law to eliminate his candidacy altogether?

Welcome to the eccentric and shameless mind of California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, whose contempt for Trump becomes more transparent and worrisome by the month.

On Tuesday, Newsom signed a bill that would prevent Trump from being on California’s 2020 primary ballot until he releases his tax returns, The Hill reported.

Given that most residents — and registered voters — of the Golden State would never be confused with Trump supporters, the governor’s scheme appears to be of the shooting-fish-in-a-barrel variety.

According to The Hill, under S.B. 27, called the “Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act,” any candidate running for president or governor of California will be required to file copies of the last five years of their tax returns to the California secretary of State.”

Newsom’s statement on the subject reeks of his perpetual arrogance and dishonesty. When the man who holds California’s highest office thinks of “any candidate” in this instance, he’s focused on only one: Trump.

“California has a special responsibility to require this information of presidential and gubernatorial candidates,” Newsom said, according to The Hill.

Imagine having the hubris and audacity of Newsom, to the point of thinking you ought to remove the commander in chief from your state’s ballot.

Newsom has infinite pride in his state — despite its unspeakable blemishes with the homelessness, vermin, syringes and diseases in his beloved San Francisco and Los Angeles.

In spite of those considerable and costly problems, the governor somehow also sees fit to welcome and comfort illegal immigrants.

More evidence of his all-California agenda? The governor has indicated via Twitter that he endorses the state’s own Kamala Harris, whose identity politics have propelled her rise among the raft of 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls.

Upon tweeting that Harris would do “what’s right,” Newsom actually meant what’s “left” — so as to appease leftists and push her radical agenda in the bargain.

That’s the type of all-California connection its governor is forging nationwide.

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It’s the furthest thing from a secret, as Politico reported, that Newsom — since before he became governor — has sought the release of Trump’s tax returns. Finding a way, any possible way, to oust our president has been atop Newsom’s bucket list.

Do you think he cares that a bill similar to the “Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act” was rejected in 2017 — as Politico reported — by his predecessor, Jerry Brown? As if.

Do you think Gavin Newsom has crossed the line?

Writing for Politico, Jeremy White referred to Newsom’s effort as “legally dubious.” Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign, considers the bill “unconstitutional” and suggests it would open a Pandora’s box of future requirements.

“There are very good reasons why the very liberal Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed this bill two years ago – it’s unconstitutional and it opens up the possibility for states to load up more requirements on candidates in future elections. What’s next, five years of health records?” Murtaugh said.

Chances are, if Newsom pondered for a moment that his latest measure might violate voters’ First Amendment rights, the thought was fleeting.

But that’s the one and only Gavin Newsom. He thrives on making shallow statements, then acting them out deeply as compensation.

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James Luksic has been a writer and editor for a panoply of publications and websites for 30 years.
James Luksic has been a writer and editor for a panoply of publications, corporations and websites -- including Montecito Journal, Dayton Daily News and Lexis-Nexis -- for 30 years.

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