
Bombshell Video of New Rep. Rashida Tlaib's Vile, Profane, Trump-Hating Rant


It’s been well-established at this point that many leftists and Democrats are hardly the bastions of tolerance and virtue that they claim to be.

That’s particularly true in any matters involving President Donald Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real.

Even given all of that hypocrisy, it’s mildly stunning to see one of the new darlings of the far left and the Democratic Party despicably oppose the will of the American people.

Michigan Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib was speaking to a crowd on Thursday for the Move On campaign, according to the New York Post, when she made some nasty comments.

“And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Mama, look, you won. Bullies don’t win,’ and I said, ‘Baby, they don’t’ — because we’re gonna go in and impeach the motherf—er,” Tlaib said to raucous applause.

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Disconcertingly, Tlaib couldn’t even muster the decency to apologize for her vulgar language.

It’s one thing to attack Trump. I get that he has leftists and Democrats all out of sorts.

I would never expect an apology from Democrats, even when they’re actively opposing the will of the American people by seeking to remove Trump from office. Let’s not forget that he was elected in a democratic election.

But to be so gleefully crass and obscene about it is truly breathtaking and a true indictment against Democrats.

Democratic leadership could barely even give Tlaib a slap on the wrist for her remarks.

“Generationally, that would not be language I would use, but nonetheless, I don’t think we should make a big deal of it,” new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told MSNBC.

“I don’t like that language, I wouldn’t use that language, but I wouldn’t establish language standards for my colleagues,” Pelosi added.

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Do you think members of Congress should refrain from using obscene language in public speeches?

Incredulously, she somewhat defended the congresswoman’s language by comparing it to Trump’s. Pelosi said that Tlaib’s comment’s were “nothing worse than the president has said.”

Again, and this can’t be stressed enough, Trump was elected. Impeachment on the grounds of “I just don’t like him” actively goes against the millions of Americans who voted for him, and wrapping it up in vulgarity makes it even worse.

Can you imagine the reaction if a Republican lawmaker made the same statement about Barack Obama when he was president?

Tlaib, with whom the left seems more enamored because she is the first Palestinian-American voted to Congress than anything she’s accomplished, went on an unhinged and vile rant against the elected choice of the American people.

The far left loved it.

That should say everything you ever needed to know about leftists in America.

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Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics.
Bryan Chai has written news and sports for The Western Journal for more than five years and has produced more than 1,300 stories. He specializes in the NBA and NFL as well as politics. He graduated with a BA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. He is an avid fan of sports, video games, politics and debate.
Class of 2010 University of Arizona. BEAR DOWN.
Phoenix, Arizona
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