
Biden Says He'll 'Get in Touch' with McConnell After Freezing Episode, Bizarrely Deflects Re-Election Question


President Joe Biden is wishing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell well after the Kentucky Republican appeared to freeze up during a public event in his home state.

Biden extended his well wishes to McConnell in a Wednesday White House news conference regarding Maui wildfire relief.

Biden didn’t mention McConnell’s lapse or condition, merely stating that he was a friend in spite of their political disagreements.

“Mitch is a friend, as you know. Not a joke.”

The president expressed his desire to get in touch with McConnell.

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“I’m going to try to get in touch with him later this afternoon.”

“I don’t know enough to know,” Biden stated in seeming reference to the 81-year-old’s condition.

Biden deflected an inquiry about McConnell running for re-election, instead gesturing to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and walking away from the dais.

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McConnell became completely silent just after being asked a question about running for re-election in Covington, Kentucky.

This wasn’t McConnell’s first concerning lapse during a public speaking engagement.

The Republican Senate leader similarly froze while speaking about this year’s National Defense Authorization Act late last month — speaking in the halls of the Capitol.

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McConnell is one year older than Biden — who himself is the oldest president in American history.

McConnell’s concerning lapses have spurred scrutiny over his continuing service as the leading Republican senator, with his critics questioning his fitness for the job.

A McConnell representative indicated that the senator “felt momentarily lightheaded” during the appearance in a statement provided to CNN, disclosing that he’d consult with a physician.

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