
Ben Sasse Slams Cory Booker After Attacking America’s Meat-Eating Habit


Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse fired back on Wednesday after Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said that eating meat is unsustainable and vowed to fight against “industrial agriculture.”

“Cory’s a good dude, but Tofurky is a crime against humanity,” Sasse told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Everybody needs real food to survive — if that food happens to be a juicy, perfectly cooked, medium rare steak from a cow raised here in Nebraska, count me in.”

Booker told VegNews in February as other countries become more prosperous, American’s meat-eating habits are becoming unsustainable.

He further noted that the planet “simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture.”

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“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet,” Booker told VegNews.

“We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.”

Agriculture manufacturing is one of Nebraska’s largest industries, which includes beef, pork and commodity processing.

Nebraska also consistently ranks as a top state for the cattle industry, according to Beef USA.

“Farmers and ranchers work their butts off to feed the world,” Sasse continued. “And that’s not just sustainable, it’s honorable.”

The New Jersey senator announced on the first day of Black History Month he was officially seeking the Democratic nomination to challenge President Donald Trump for the presidency in 2020.

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If elected, Booker would become the United States of America’s first vegan president.

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A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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