
Flashback: 'Wonder' Star Flips Out, Issues Shock Comments About Military Heroes


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Mandy Patinkin, known for playing Mr. Tushman in the new hit movie “Wonder,” has shown his true colors in a 2017 interview with “MTP Daily” on MSNBC.

The actor and producer is currently known for his work on the series “Homeland,” which centers around a CIA agent working to thwart terrorism. In 2017, the show came under fire for its first four seasons that often portrayed would-be terrorists as Muslim.

Due to the backlash, the show changed course, and the agent, played by Claire Danes, now works for a foundation working to help Muslim refugees.

In the 2017 interview, Patinkin responded to questions about the new direction of the show: “We have tried to be part of the cure, not part of the problem. A different story line where we’re helping these people and a story line that shows in this case, in this year, in this season and — that maybe it’s the — and it is white men in the government and the military establishment that are the bad guys, not the Muslim community.”

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Patinkin’s comments prove just how warped much of Hollywood has become when it comes to respecting the military.

As if belittling our country’s servicemen and women wasn’t enough, the liberal actor also claimed that Muslims have become the victims of choice for a government constantly seeking a scapegoat.

Patinkin told MSNBC that the government, by finding “someone to vilify,” is using “the oldest trick in the book.” Disturbingly, Patinkin took it one step further and claimed that “in movies, it was cowboys and Indians and the Nazis. Communists, you know.”

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While it is concerning that the liberal Patinkin implies that Nazis are a group that have been wrongly victimized, particularly because Patinkin himself is Jewish, his disdain for Trump comes as no surprise.

Patinkin specifically alluded to the president when he said that in regard to the “issue of how (one) get(s) elected, you tell the populace who you need to be afraid of.”

The “Princess Bride” star then went on to claim that “the Muslim community are our gift” and the “fabric of what makes America great.”

Just one glance at Patinkin’s Twitter feed shows just how aligned with Muslim refugees he remains:

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Patinkin is so involved in the plight of Muslim refugees that he completely overlooked the atrocities of the Tsarnaev brothers, the Chechen refugees responsible for the Boston Marathon bombings. Although the bombings occurred in 2013, Patinkin had the gall in the 2017 interview to claim that “not a single terrorist incident has taken place by a refugee who’s been resettled in the United States.”

The actor then took it one step further, telling “MTP Daily” host Chuck Todd that refugees are “the safest citizens we have.”

From the interview, it’s easy to see Hollywood’s liberal bias in Patinkin’s comments and for an actor that preaches the importance of inclusion, his comments that “white men” are the bad guys is just plain disgraceful.

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Caroline Harris was a former contributor of Conservative Tribune, a publication of the Western Journal.

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