
Battleground State Removes Hundreds of Thousands of Names from Voter Rolls Ahead of Election


Almost three-quarters of a million people have been removed from the voter rolls in North Carolina

The state Board of Elections announced Thursday that the cleanup of voter rolls has taken place over the past 20 months, according to The Hill.

Most people removed had moved within North Carolina and never registered after they moved, or had not voted in either the 2022 or 2020 federal elections,

Some people were removed because they had died, moved to other states or been convicted of felonies.

According to WRAL-TV, in a separate action, nine possible non-citizens who were registered to vote have been found.

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Pat Gannon, a representative of the state Board of Elections said that the state has not yet confirmed the individuals are immigrants.

He said an investigation into their status is under way.

Gannon said that those nine are not part of the almost 750,000 people deleted because federal law bars taking people off of voting rolls within 90 days of an election.

Activists say the state should do more to protect against non-citizens voting in federal elections.

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“The best way to make sure there’s no non-citizens is to actually require proof of citizenship when you sign up to vote,” Jim Womack, of the North Carolina Election Integrity Network, said.

“Arizona does it. But North Carolina is one of the many states that do not,” he said.

Federal law requires that only citizens vote, but does not require proof, only an attestation on the part of the voter that he or she is a citizen.

North Carolina has been sued by the Republican National Committee and North Carolina Republican Party alleging that the state allowed more than 225,000 people to register without providing required ID information.

“By failing to collect certain statutorily required information prior to registering these applicants to vote, Defendants placed the integrity of the state’s elections into jeopardy,” the lawsuit said.

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The suit wants those people barred from voting.

“The State Board of Elections has a statutory duty to ensure only verified citizens can vote in North Carolina elections,” state Republican Party Director of Communications Matt Mercer said, according to the Daily Tar Heel.

“Their refusal to take these steps and subsequent dismissal of legitimate concerns undermines election integrity and confidence in elections administration,” he said.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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