
Battle in Boston: Fights Break Out After Antifa Thugs Menace Conservatives Protesting COVID Mandates


Boston Common became a battleground Sunday as antifa activists preyed upon an anti-vaccine mandate protest.

“We came here to peacefully protest when we were violently attacked by a mob that pepper-sprayed us, attacked us and refused to allow our van to leave,” said Brandon Navom, the Super Happy Fun America organizer, according to the Boston Herald.

Navom said the “pro-freedom” protest was cut short by the police response to antifa.

The “Rise Against Tyranny” protest was opposed by multiple groups, including “Green Monster Antifa” and “Solidarity Against Hate – Boston,” according to Fox News.

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Boston police officer Stephen McNulty said there were “two arrested after opposing sides clashed at today’s scheduled event and planned counter-protest on the Boston Common. BPD assets included officers in protective equipment,” Fox reported.

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Although police tried to keep the two sides apart, skirmishes took place throughout the confrontation.

A pro-freedom demonstrator was sprayed with some form of chemical irritant by an antifa marcher.

Scuffling as the two sides dueled over barriers designed to keep them apart took place as well, according to the Boston Globe.

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Despite the pushing and shoving, police indicated no one was injured seriously enough to require hospitalization.

Eamon Kavanagh of Boston First Responders United said local first responders are opposed to vaccine mandates, according to the Herald.

“We’re just advocating for our freedom, our medical freedom and to keep our jobs,” Kavanagh said.

Dozens of police officers in riot gear were deployed to keep a lid on the violence.

Antifa supporters said those protesting vaccine mandates had no right to do so.

“We don’t want that in our city: Anti-vaxxers, people who don’t believe that COVID is real, people that put other people in danger, racist transphobes and people that hate other people for the way they are — that’s not OK,” said Rifka Handelman, an Emerson College student, according to the Herald.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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