
Bartender Jumps in After Justin Timberlake Says He Only 'Had One Martini' at Sag Harbor's America Hotel


The Justin Timberlake DWI plot continues to thicken, as a bartender at the hotel where the former boy-bander drank before being arrested on a drunken driving charge backed up the singer’s claim that he had only one martini.

On Saturday, an unnamed bartender at the American Hotel in Sag Harbor, New York, told People magazine that Timberlake had just “one martini” before leaving.

The bartender’s statement corroborated the Grammy winner’s statement to police.

“If he was drinking more, it wasn’t here,” another hotel employee told People.

According to his arrest report, Timberlake told officers, “I had one martini and I followed my friends home.”

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The former NSYNC singer was arrested shortly after midnight on June 18 on Long Island for driving while intoxicated, according to the Sag Harbor Police Department.

Timberlake was pulled over for allegedly blowing through a stop sign and failing to stay in his lane, News 12 New York reported.

Do you like Justin Timberlake?

The arresting officer determined the pop star was intoxicated after he failed a field sobriety test. He refused a Breathalyzer test.

The officer said Timberlake’s “eyes were bloodshot and glassy” when he was stopped, according to the police report per People.

“A strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath, he was unable to divide attention, he had slowed speech, he was unsteady afoot, and he performed poorly on all standardized field sobriety tests,” the officer said in the report.

Since his arrest, there have been countless news reports and endless social media speculation on Timberlake’s alleged intoxication and whether it points to an alcohol problem.

Meanwhile, video footage of Timberlake looking glassy-eyed while performing in Las Vegas in May has since gone viral on social media.

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On Friday, the liberal entertainer spoke out for the first time since his arrest at a concert in Chicago.

Amid thunderous applause and cheers, Timberlake told fans, “I know sometimes I’m hard to love. But you keep on loving me and I love you right back.”

No matter how much his fans love him, all should want justice to be done in his DWI case.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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