The Western Journal publishes select Op-Eds submitted by our readers. If you would like to submit an Op-Ed, fill out a submission form here:
Running the federal government like a business is immensely more efficient than laboring through the slow proceedings of traditional government bureaucracy.
'While the global bureaucratic elite enjoy a nice vacation under the guise of playing Chicken Little for a fictitious impending climate catastrophe, The Heartland Institute is injecting a fresh ray of truth into the COP24 UN Climate Conference in Katowice, Poland.'
Trump did not accept the Chief Justice’s rebuke, and has continued his criticism of federal judges who block his policies, particularly those in the Ninth Circuit based in San Francisco.
'Why is it that black people ... hold one another to a collectivist ethos regarding politics, while treating other aspects of their existence as self-determining and autonomous (e.g. religion, vocation, education, etc.)?'
Are the Mexican mayor and all these Mexicans racist? No. They, like most Americans of various colors, races and ethnicities, just want order on our borders and for all immigrants to apply to enter our country legally.