The Western Journal publishes select Op-Eds submitted by our readers. If you would like to submit an Op-Ed, fill out a submission form here:
'We live in a very polarized culture, which seems more divided than ever, and I even sense that spirit and attitude seeping into the evangelical Church.'
Honest analysts should celebrate declining Obamacare enrollment, not lament the fact fewer people have chosen to subject themselves to unnecessarily high health insurance expenses.
Steyer has engaged in a jihad against fossil fuels. In recent comments on his Twitter feed, the out-of-whack California progressive advocated for a complete and total moratorium of natural gas production and use in the United States.
The power to tax contains the power to destroy. The elimination of the parking and transit benefits tax on churches and other nonprofits in H.R. 88 is a welcome development precisely for this reason.
The Croatian government’s corrupt practices increase instability, reduce defense capabilities for all involved and, if left unaddressed, justify further waste, fraud and abuse of power.