Richard Sargent / Getty Images The Time to Act Is Now: Declare Burma's Actions a Genocide Trump should immediately reinstate the six sanctions on Burma that Obama lifted. By Terry Allen February 18, 2019
Michele Tantussi / Getty Images; Alex Wong / Getty Images Germany Echoes Ocasio-Cortez in Killing the Coal Industry 'German taxpayers will be left footing the bill, sacrificing Germany’s future as an industrial powerhouse in the process.' By Mitchell Gunter February 15, 2019
Karkacheva Anna / Shutterstock They Deserve Breath The value of a life is not measured on a simple scale of pain versus pleasure. By Jared Honda February 14, 2019
Alex Wong / Getty Images The Green New Deal Proposal Is a Death Blow for Democrat Chances in 2020 Democrats are once again pushing policies that will devastate the economies and the jobs of the men and women in the Rust Belt. By Marc A. Scaringi February 13, 2019
Kristopher Kettner / Shutterstock Wake Up, America: 'Free College' Is an Illusion Americans must understand the misconceptions about tuition-free higher education and put an end to this pseudo-socialist idea. By Daniel Kopp February 12, 2019
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP / Getty Images 'Pro-Choice Christians': Horribly Misguided, or Pagan Priests in Christian Guise? The Bible's teachings are clear. By Jared Walker February 11, 2019
Billion Photos / Shutterstock Don't Believe the Democrats - 'Free' College Will Never Be Free Liberals need a lesson in reality. By Daniel Kopp February 10, 2019
Olivier Douliery / Getty Images We're Halfway Through Trump's Presidency: Has He Drained the Swamp? When Trump took office two years ago, he promised to drain the D.C. swamp, much to the chagrin of the Washington establishment. By Bay Buchanan February 9, 2019
Lolostock / Shutterstock Rules of Engagement: How Christians Can Win the Culture Wars 'It is time to search our hearts, check our motives, correct our approach and seek the face of our God.' By Jared Walker February 9, 2019
Alex Wong / Getty Images No Deal on the Green New Deal With the stated goal of eliminating so-called 'climate change,' the Green New Deal isn’t just bananas, it’s the whole jungle. By Ben Crystal February 8, 2019