Girls Send Mom Video of Them Singing National Anthem, Goes Viral with 20,000,000 Views
For many, it is not just the beautiful way the girls sing the song that is so moving.
For many, it is not just the beautiful way the girls sing the song that is so moving.
It was in their conversation that Coby discovered some of the horrifying details about what the elderly man had been through.
Even when things looked bleak, the family always praised God for his goodness to them.
Police were called and responded to the scene, but the suspects were nowhere to be found.
It was at this point that she had a difficult decision to make.
What Ronene discovered at that point left her with no doubt that Ruby had saved their lives.
Although three doctors certified that Jimenez was deceased, his family alleges that only one actually examined him.
Risking his own life, he tried to pull the girl to safety but could not.
Over the years, a number of women have been identified as the model for the image.
Danino was not the only person on the train who overheard the woman’s tearful pleadings for mercy and help to resolve the situation.