Walmart Locks High-Theft Items, Gets Slapped With Racism Lawsuit
When Essie Grundy walked into the Walmart in the Riverside County, California, town of Perris, she had to get assistance to get a 49-cent comb out of a locked case. Now, […]
When Essie Grundy walked into the Walmart in the Riverside County, California, town of Perris, she had to get assistance to get a 49-cent comb out of a locked case. Now, […]
You’ve probably seen it all over the news by now: Hillary Clinton reading parts of Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” during a skit broadcast at the Grammys on Sunday in […]
The Obama years were salad days for the global warming brigade at the Environmental Protection Agency. Every study or paper that said something along the lines of “OMG the world […]
The idea of a gender pay gap is one of the most controversial subjects in society today, with liberals claiming it persists due to a patriarchal society and conservatives arguing […]
“Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff got a ringing endorsement for his pile of fake news at this Sunday’s Grammys from none other than Hillary Clinton. If only people were […]
How racist did liberals think President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech was? It was such a racist performance that they were able to adjudge it as such seven […]
If you think you’re going to get away with murder, ask yourself one question: Do I have an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet on? If so, you’re likely not the smartest […]
When an atheist group sued Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson over his Bible study, he didn’t just go off on them. He mic-dropped them. In an epic Facebook […]
A former database administrator with the Department of Veterans Affairs has been indicted on charges he took part of his work home with him — namely, the personal data of […]
James Woods has a reputation for being outspoken on Twitter, but the conservative actor knows when to put a question mark in the right place. And that knowledge could have […]