Dog Chained for 10 Years Found Lying in Frozen Mud, Owners Offered to Put Her Down for $50
She was incredibly skinny, and someone was even able to fit both their hands around her waist and touch their fingers.
She was incredibly skinny, and someone was even able to fit both their hands around her waist and touch their fingers.
The pudgy puppy came to the shelter in June of 2017 and the staff have regularly updated their Facebook page following her weight loss journey.
She has been largely away from the spotlight most royals experience, probably because she isn’t in line for the throne.
He started rubbing the puppy vigorously, trying to stimulate it enough for it to wake up.
Bella must’ve known she’d be safe with the humans who’d cared for her for so long.
Some groups of scientists believe the spirit moose is a subspecies of the standard brown moose.
As he closes the door, mom lets go, and the doggy waterworks begin.
But veterinarians found quite the surprise with one of them.
When she opened his door, though, he went straight for Beatrice’s stall.
At some point, the worker attempted to take out the battery and while that happened, it started to overheat.