Owner Drops $19K for Age 17 Cat to Have Kidney Transplant, Donor Came with 1 Condition
The donor came with strings attached.
The donor came with strings attached.
As time passed, Amber sensed that something was off or different about the pregnancy.
Sweet or savory, breakfast or lunch, they’ve got you covered.
It wasn’t long before it became clear that Dominguez’s stay at El Paso Children’s Hospital would be her final one.
It was during a normal checkup that her doctor realized she was with child.
There’s more to the story that made finding Mochi even more critical and difficult.
The man’s name was Andy, and he’d seen who was traveling with the woman.
When he opened the door, the culprit became painfully obvious.
While tests were being run on the black-and-white furball, he was bleeding profusely.
Vanessa tried several different methods to get the little tyke straightened out and ready to meet the world.