66-Inch Long Lizard Takes Opportunity to Bust Out of Pet Shop, Roaming Streets of City
The lizard on the loose is five and a half feet long — that’s longer than some people are tall.
The lizard on the loose is five and a half feet long — that’s longer than some people are tall.
All is not well as the show launches into its thirteenth season
His neighbor had an idea that would help cheer him up.
It is a universally known fact that, if we let them, dogs make us better people.
The puppy was not looking good.
Police reportedly arrived at around 6 p.m.
When they reached the critter, they realized that it was a little black-and-white puppy, frozen solid to the ground beneath it.
It’s difficult to imagine what could possess a person to discard an animal. What point does someone have to be at to simply toss away a living animal, throwing it […]
It’s difficult to imagine a world where you are shackled to your own bed, haven’t seen movies, don’t know about the current culture…