
Police Rescue 187 Children Amid Sex Abuse Probe of Islamic Group


Malaysian police said Monday they have rescued 187 more children and raided locations nationwide linked to an Islamic business group that is being investigated for alleged sexual assault of children.

National police chief Razarudin Husain said the children and young people, including 59 under age 5, were rescued from welfare homes linked to Global Ikhwan Services and Business, or GISB Holdings. They included a boy who was seen being caned and another child who was seen being stepped on in online videos, he said.

That brought the number of children under age 18 who have been rescued to 572 since the case against GISB erupted earlier this month, he said,

Police also arrested 156 more suspects for investigation, he said.

Police say some children are believed to have been sodomized and taught to sexually abuse each other, denied medical treatment, and burned with hot metal spoons as punishment. Medical screening so far has determined that at least 13 teens were sodomized and that 172 children suffered long-term physical and emotional injuries.

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The victims are mostly children of GISB employees, placed in the homes since they were infants and believed to be indoctrinated from a young age to be loyal to the group, police said.

The increased police action against GISB came after the country’s king called for a swift police investigation and action in the case, which has shocked and enraged the nation.

GISB, which aims to promote an Islamic way of life, owns mini-markets, bakeries, restaurants, pharmacies and other businesses in Malaysia and abroad. It has its roots in the Al Arqam Islamic sect, which was deemed heretical and banned by the government in 1994.

Last week, police detained members of GISB’s top management, including CEO Nasiruddin Mohamad Ali, two of his wives, and two of his children. Some family members of the late Ashaari Mohamad, who headed Al Arqam before his death in 2010, were also arrested.

Nasiruddin earlier admitted there may have been some sodomy cases in the homes but denied any widespread abuse.

Razarudin said there were an estimated 10,000 employees and followers of GISB who were believed to be practicing the Al Arqam teachings. Islamic authorities are investigating, he said.

He said police have raided 280 locations nationwide linked to GISB, but most have been vacated. In 59 of the locations, police seized Islamic books and materials with deviant teachings, he said.

Authorities have frozen 138 bank accounts linked to GISB, with a total value of about 1.9 million ringgit ($452,000), and 14 properties as part of a probe into money laundering, he said. Several people have been charged with sexual assault of children.

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