
Al Gore Finally Loses It, Officially Endorses a Bird for Congress


Former Vice President Al Gore has always been a bit of an odd duck. His awkwardness and inability to connect with, well, normal people is one of the reasons he lost the 2000 presidential election — and that loss seemed to push him even further off kilter.

Following that brutal defeat, Gore found a new niche: making extremist predictions about the end of the world due to global warming while conveniently raking in millions at the same time. Nice work if you can get it.

His 2006 “documentary” “An Inconvenient Truth” — yes, those dubious quotes were intentional — raked in some $50 million for Gore, allowing him to live a life of hypocritical luxury in beach houses and take private jets around the world. Has anyone checked his carbon footprint?

The former vice president has been moving further away from reality for a while, but it looks like he might have finally lost his marbles. On Tuesday, he released a video formally endorsing a surprising candidate for Congress: a penguin.

Yes, you read that right. In a video he posted to Twitter, the failed candidate stared awkwardly into the camera while delivering a robot-like monologue supporting a fictional cold-weather bird in the upcoming election.

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“I just wanted to take a minute to help spread the word about a certain young candidate running for Congress,” Gore declared with almost no hint of emotion. “She’s smart, tenacious, and she’s running to create a healthier world for us all. …

“She’s passionate about this planet, and any candidate with that priority has my complete support. That’s why today I’m proud to officially endorse Earth for Congress.”

We should probably reiterate that Earth is the name of a fictional penguin. The bird has a bizarre website, intended to look like a real campaign page, where the penguin gives a political speech and pushes a far-left environmental agenda.

“We launched Earth for America to get young people talking about issues that will define their future,” Stacie Paxton Cobos, a spokeswoman for the Gore-backed Climate Reality Project, told the Washington Examiner.

“It meets young people where they are, through the tools they use to communicate and the humor that resonates with them,” she continued.

Ah, right, nothing says “young people” and “humor” like a graying 70-year-old failed candidate and a bird that lectures you about how to live your life.

Do you think any young people will cast write-in votes for Earth the penguin come November?

Speaking of “climate reality,” here is an inconvenient fact: Nearly all of the alarmist, sky-is-falling predictions made by Gore and others like him regarding climate change have failed to come true.

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“An Inconvenient Truth” has aged particularly poorly.

“One of the first glaring claims Gore makes is about Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. He claims Africa’s tallest peak will be snow-free ‘within the decade,'” Michael Bastasch noted in The Daily Caller two years ago.

Remember, that snow-free claim was made by Gore in 2006. Those 10 years have come and gone.

“Well, it’s been a decade and, yes, there’s still snow on Kilimanjaro year-round. It doesn’t take a scientist to figure this out,” Bastasch wrote.

“Gore also claims temperature rise from increases in man-made carbon dioxide emissions were ‘uninterrupted and intensifying,'” he continued.

That prediction fell flat on its face, just like Gore’s presidential campaign.

“Global temperatures showed little to no warming trend after Gore released his film,” Bastasch wrote. “In fact, surface temperature data showed no significant global warming for a period of about 15 years, starting in the early 2000s.”

Countless other Gore predictions have proved to be completely, incredibly wrong.

Conserving the environment in intelligent ways is important — but it needs to be done based on observable facts and plans that don’t bankrupt the country in the process.

At this rate, the left may be so devoid of a clear message that Earth the penguin just might have to run for president in 2020.

All joking aside, climate change alarmists being forced to use computer-generated penguins and hokey marketing tactics just to get attention shows how desperate they have become. Maybe it’s time for America to give Al Gore the bird.

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Benjamin Arie is an independent journalist and writer. He has personally covered everything ranging from local crime to the U.S. president as a reporter in Michigan before focusing on national politics. Ben frequently travels to Latin America and has spent years living in Mexico.

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