
Actress Berates Trump over Border 'Torture' Facilities Pic, but Cropped Out One Major Thing


What a difference a date makes.

For more than two years now, liberals have been screeching about President Donald Trump and his administration’s attempts to bring some sort of order to the immigration disaster left behind by his predecessor in the Oval Office.

They’ve proven repeatedly that they’re willing to stretch the truth if it serves the #Resistance purposes, but rarely have they been caught in a lie as blatant as this one.

On Friday, activist-actress Nancy Lee Grahn — familiar mainly to fans of the soap opera “General Hospital” — tweeted something that she tried to play off as one of the Trump administration’s “abuses” of children crossing the border illegally.

The tweet included a caption that pulled no punches in accusing the administration of abusing kids, of course.

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“Trump administration is forcing children 2 sleep on cement floor with an aluminum blanket & lights on all night,” Grahn wrote. “Sarah Fabian from DOJ argued in court that it was good enough & soap was unnecessary. Companies making 750 a kid a day to torture them.”

Naturally, libs ate it up. But there were a couple of problems:

Nobody is making “750 a kid a day” to torture children, for starters, and those aren’t “aluminum blankets.” They’re thermal blankets — the kind that were designed by the space program to save astronauts’ lives. (Not exactly an abusive situation.)

And then there was the really big problem — one that should have kept tripe like this from being posted in the first place:

The pictures on Grahn’s tweet had been cropped to cut out the time stamp that showed they’d been taken in 2015 – while Barack Obama was still president.

Philosophically speaking, it might not have been as offensive, strictly speaking, as the “concentration camp” tweet by Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez last week, but it was pretty close. And there were two major differences between the two that arguably made Grahn’s worse.

The first was that Grahn chose to lie with pictures as well as with words. And the second was that this wasn’t a case of quibbling about the nuances of words like “concentration camp” and “never again.”

This was just flat-out fraud.

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And many, many users on social media let Grahn know they were onto her.

Conservative commentator and prolific Twitter user Caleb Hull was one of those who nailed Grahn’s duplicity.

And he had plenty of company — sarcastic and mocking.

But this one really hit the nail on the head:

“Do you have to blatantly lie?” the Twitter user wrote. “How does willingly fabricating a photo help your cause?”

And there is the big question.

Since even before the 2016 election, when Trump upset Democrat Hillary Clinton in one of the biggest stories in U.S. political history, his opponents have accused him and his supporters of twisting the truth to suit their political ends.

There have been legitimate disputes — the size of the inauguration crowd, for instance — but those are questions of perception.

Do you think most liberals are willing to lie for political purposes?

What the country witnesses with images like the one Grahn tweeted is deliberate falsification of the records to make a political point.

It’s possible — not likely, but possible — that Grahn didn’t realize the pictures she’d tweeted had been taken during the presidency of the liberal hero Obama.

But what’s virtually impossible is that she remained unaware of that fact for very long — or that she is unaware of it now.

And yet a scroll through Grahn’s tweets —  a nauseating cesspool of liberal self-absorption — showed the tweet was still active Monday afternoon, with not a word of explanation or apology.

So, the question is, if liberals have to lie so blatantly and so continuously to try to make Donald Trump look bad, what exactly are they really fighting for anyway? And why?

With every passing day, it seems like a greater blessing that Trump emerged the victor in those early morning hours of Nov. 9, 2016.

Until that point, it looked as though the country was headed into four more years of the kind of governance that can only be sustained by a miasma of lies forced onto the American public with the assistance of a media complex that has long since abandoned its pursuit of the “truth.”

That was the date that makes all the difference here. The one cropped out of Grahn’s duplicitous tweet is just the latest proof.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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