
Abortion Group Celebrates the Murder of Babies with 'Rocky Roe v. Wade' Ice Cream Flavor


NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon partnered with an ice cream company to create a “Rocky Roe v. Wade” ice cream flavor that will be served in Oregon ice cream shops for two weeks.

NARAL partnered with “What’s The Scoop” to create the abortion-related flavor.

What’s The Scoop ice cream shop has two locations in Portland, Oregon. “We fully believe doing ‘good’ will help us do well,” the shop wrote on its website.

The flavor will be available for consumption at a number of NARAL-sponsored ice cream socials intended to garner resistance against Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Oregon residents who don’t reside in Portland can order the flavor online.

The executive director at NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon tweeted about the ice cream socials, encouraging pro-abortion supporters to order the new flavor.

The flavor is available from Aug. 13 to 26.

“Oregon is the abortion Mecca of the United States and people need to put the heat on NARAL and What’s the Scoop and shut down these disgusting abortion ice cream parties,” consultant and spokesman Jonathan Lockwood told The Daily Wire.

“Oregonians are being forced to fund other people’s late-term and gender-based abortions and it needs to end.”

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