
Pence Pushes Back Against Bernie Sanders Wanting Felons To Vote: 'Not on Our Watch'


During his address Friday to the National Rifle Association’s annual convention in Indianapolis, Vice President Mike Pence responded to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ recent comments that incarcerated felons should be able to vote.

He delivered remarks before President Trump’s keynote address for the NRA Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum.

This is the third year both he and Trump have spoken at the group’s annual meeting.

Pence brought up Sanders’ comments during last Thursday’s CNN Town Hall that he would allow incarcerated felons such as the Boston Marathon Bomber to vote.

“The same people who want to restrict the right to keep and bear arms of law-abiding citizens believe the Boston Marathon Bomber should be given the right to vote on Death Row,” Pence asserted, bringing the thousands of attendees to their feet.

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“I got news for you, Bernie. Not on our watch.”

Pence went on to say, “Violent convicted felons, murderers and terrorists should never given the right to vote in prison. Not now, not ever.”

Later in his speech, Pence addressed Democrats touting the positive qualities of socialism:

“It was freedom, not socialism, that gave us the most prosperous economy in the history of the world.

Do you think felons should be allowed to vote?

“It was freedom, not socialism, that ended slavery, won two world wars and stands today as a beacon of hope for all the world.”

Pence, along with Second Lady Karen Pence, arrived first in Air Force Two around 10 a.m. for the speech.

He was greeted on the tarmac by Indiana’s Republican leadership delegation, including his brother U.S. Representative Greg Pence, Governor Eric Holcomb, senators Todd Young and Mike Braun, and U.S. representatives Jackie Walorski, Jim Banks and Jim Baird.

The speeches were held in Lucas Oil Stadium, which holds 10,000.

The convention was slated for the Indiana Convention Center April 26-28.

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