
Trump Meets with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Hours After Lashing Out at Platform


On Tuesday morning, President Donald Trump gave Twitter a tweet-lashing over what he called its “discriminatory” actions.

A few hours later, though, Trump was tweeting a different song following a closed-door White House meeting with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

“Great meeting this afternoon at the @WhiteHouse with @Jack from @Twitter. Lots of subjects discussed regarding their platform, and the world of social media in general. Look forward to keeping an open dialogue!” Trump tweeted after the meeting.

Twitter was equally gracious in its depiction of the conversation.

“Jack had a constructive meeting with the President of the United States today at the president’s invitation. They discussed Twitter’s commitment to protecting the health of the public conversation ahead of the 2020 U.S. elections and efforts underway to respond to the opioid crisis,” a Twitter spokesman said, according to The Hill.

The website Motherboard obtained internal Twitter emails about the meeting, and published comments by Dorsey to Twitter employees via email.

“As you know, I believe that conversation, not silence, bridges gaps and drives towards solutions. I have met with every world leader who has extended an invitation to me, and I believe the discussions have been productive, and the outcomes meaningful,” the email said.

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Coming as it did on the same day Trump lashed out at the social media platform, Dorsey addressed concerns employees might have felt over a meeting with Trump.

“Some of you will be very supportive of our meeting the president, and some of you might feel we shouldn’t take this meeting at all. In the end, I believe it’s important to meet heads of state in order to listen, share our principles and our ideas,” he wrote.

Motherboard wrote that the meeting was scheduled to last about 30 minutes.

CNN reported that Dan Scavino, White House director of social media, and Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s head of legal, policy, and trust & safety, were also present at the meeting.

The meeting attracted extensive discussion on Twitter.

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The Washington Post, citing as its source someone inside the meeting whose name was not used, said one subject raised by the president was a reduction in his followers on Twitter.

The Post reported that Trump was concerned that “Twitter quietly, and deliberately, had removed some of his followers,” and that Trump had been told by other conservatives their followers were declining as well.

Trump has often noted that conservatives have voiced concerns that the social media giant is biased against conservatives.

The Post reported that in the meeting, Dorsey told Trump that followers fluctuate due to Twitter’s own efforts to crack down on fraudulent accounts, and said his own number of followers has been impacted by the company’s policies.

Earlier Tuesday, Trump had criticized Twitter in a pair of tweets, saying “they don’t treat me well as a Republican. Very discriminatory, hard for people to sign on. Constantly taking people off list. Big complaints from many people. Different names-over 100 M … But should be much higher than that if Twitter wasn’t playing their political games. No wonder Congress wants to get involved — and they should. Must be more, and fairer, companies to get out the WORD!”

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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