
Smugglers Used a Drone To Sneak Illegal Immigrants Across the Border


For the first known time, illegal migrants were spotted using a drone to help them cross the U.S. southern border.

U.S. Border Patrol agents near El Paso, Texas, monitoring the area with an infrared camera, spotted a small airborne object traveling through the U.S.-Mexico border in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The object flew about 100 yards north, entering U.S. soil, then returned back. The object, which was determined to be a drone, repeated this pattern three different times.

Roughly two minutes after the drone retreated back into Mexico territory for the third time, 10 illegal immigrants were spotted passing the border in the same vicinity the drone had monitored.

“This is the first known time in recent history that a drone has been utilized as a ‘look-out’ in order to aid in illegal entries in the El Paso Sector,” Customs and Border Protection said in a press release.

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The Border Patrol agents were able to “quickly” apprehend the migrants and take them into custody anyway.

Utilization of a drone came on the same day immigration officials encountered a staggering numbers of illegal aliens at the southern border.

The El Paso sector alone made more than 1,800 apprehensions on Tuesday.

Beyond encountering a drone, agents in the El Paso Sector dealt with an “unprecedented number” of illegal migrants at the border that same day.

Do you think drones used on the southern border are dangerous?

The El Paso Sector has made more than 71,000 apprehensions since the beginning of the 2019 fiscal year to March 31.

For reference, the sector made fewer than 11,000 apprehensions during the same time period last fiscal year.

CBP revealed that 418,000 nationwide apprehensions have occurred this fiscal year to date, already surpassing the total number of apprehensions for the entire 2018 fiscal year.

A large number of these migrants are from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, burdening U.S. immigration laws geared mostly toward Mexican nationals.

“At DHS, we’re taking aggressive action to mitigate the crisis to protect vulnerable people in our custody by expanding medical care, creating temporarily facilities, improving transportation, using additional resources from DHS, and other departments throughout the federal government,” acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan said when making a visit to the border in McAllen, Texas.

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