
It Turns Out CNN Was Wrong About the Mueller Report Arriving Next Week


Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on his Russia investigation will not be delivered to the Justice Department next week, as CNN reported Wednesday.

“Any reporting that Special Counsel Mueller’s report will be delivered to the Department of Justice next week are incorrect,” a senior Justice Department official told Fox News on Friday.

A CNN report Wednesday by Evan Perez, Laura Jarrett and Katelyn Polantz said U.S. Attorney General William Barr was preparing to receive the report next week.

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The new statement does not indicate when the report will be released.

However, most observers believe the probe is near its end.

CNN reported that prosecutors with the special counsel’s office have been spotted removing boxes of documents from their offices.

The grand jury being used in the Mueller probe has also not met since Jan. 24, the same day that Trump confidant Roger Stone was indicted.

NBC News reported back in December that Mueller’s team was in the process of writing a report of the investigation and could deliver it to the Justice Department by mid-February.

Mueller has been investigating possible collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and the Russian government, as well as possible obstruction of justice on the part of President Trump.

Once Mueller does submit a report to the Justice Department, Barr will have the option of providing some or all of it to Congress and to the public.

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Democratic lawmakers have already started pressing Barr to publicize as much of the report as he can.

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A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

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