
Report: Mueller Probe Expected To End Next Week


The special counsel’s investigation could wrap up as soon as next week with the delivery of a confidential report to the Justice Department, CNN is reporting.

According to the network, Attorney General William Barr is preparing to receive a report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who took over an FBI investigation of the Trump campaign on May 17, 2017.

Barr, who was confirmed to office last week, will determine soon after receiving Mueller’s report what information will be provided to Congress.

The exact end date for the Mueller probe has been a longstanding source of speculation in Washington, D.C.

In December, NBC News reported that Mueller & Co. planned to deliver a report by mid-February.

But a delay in Barr’s confirmation may have contributed to a delay in handing over the report.

According to CNN, there have been several signs that the investigation was close to wrapping up.

A grand jury used in the Mueller probe has not met since Jan. 24, the day that an indictment was handed down against Trump confidant Roger Stone, CNN reported.

Reporters have also observed prosecutors removing boxes of documents from the special counsel’s offices.

Though the special counsel’s core investigation appears poised to end, several U.S. attorney’s offices are handling cases that have been spun off of the original probe.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, D.C., as well as prosecutors in New York and Virginia, are prosecuting several cases that originated with Mueller.

Prosecutors in Washington, for instance, are working jointly on the case against Stone, who was charged with making false statement to the House Intelligence Committee.

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