
House Democrats Plan To Go After Trump Jr. in First Use of Subpoena Power


House Democrats plan on going after Donald Trump Jr. with their first use of subpoena power since taking over as the majority party on Thursday.

In a Tuesday night speech to the Women’s National Democratic Club in Washington, Democratic California Rep. Jackie Speier, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said “Donald Trump Jr.” would be the first person called in before the committee in 2019, saying she believes there were multiple people who have already testified that were not being truthful.

“There are a number of persons that testified before the committee that I feel were not telling the truth,” Speier said, according to The Washington Examiner.

It’s not the first time the president’s son has been the subject of suspicion, of course.

Trump Jr. was falsely accused of lying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee by NPR in late November, regarding a deal with Trump Tower in Moscow.

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The news organization later issued a long editor’s note to the article that acknowledged its original claim was in error:

  “Editor’s note: An earlier version of this report mischaracterized an answer Donald Trump Jr. gave to Senate investigators in 2017 about the prospective projects his family was negotiating with people in Moscow.

“The story reported that Trump Jr.’s response — that negotiations on one project concluded by the end of 2014 — contrasted with the version of events as laid out in the guilty plea by Michael Cohen on Thursday. In fact, Trump Jr. and investigators were alluding to a different set of negotiations — not to a deal that Cohen was reportedly pursuing. Trump Jr. did acknowledge in his testimony that Cohen and another man were exploring a possible deal in Moscow in 2015 or 2016.

“Trump Jr. did not address what Cohen has now admitted — that talks about such a deal continued at least into June 2016, longer than previously known and well into the presidential campaign.”

However, the piece was never retracted.

The president’s eldest son has denied any wrong doing since the beginning of the probe, saying in a September interview that he is not worried about legal trouble in the special counsel’s Russia probe.

“I know what I did, and I’m not worried about any of that,” he said in the interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“That doesn’t mean they won’t try to create something, I mean, we’ve seen that happen with everything.

“But, again, I’m not.”

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Speier’s office did not immediately respond for comment when asked why Trump Jr. would be the first person subpoenaed by the committee.

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