
Report: Friend of Accuser Says She Was 'Pressured' by Ford Camp To Reconsider Statement


Leland Keyser, a woman who at one time was thought to be a possible witness who could corroborate the sexual assault accusations made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, claims she was pressured to change her story that she knew nothing of the assault.

Keyser, a friend and classmate of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, told the FBI that Ford’s allies asked her to “revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about the alleged sexual assault,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Keyser was named by Ford as one of the people who was at the 1982 party where she alleges that Kavanaugh assaulted her.

In a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee dated Sept. 23, Keyser said she “does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present.”

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Keyser followed that up in a Sept. 29 letter by saying that she didn’t doubt her friend’s story, but she couldn’t corroborate it.

According to the Journal, Keyser told the FBI that Monica McLean, a retired FBI agent, and another friend of Ford’s reportedly urged her to “clarify her statement.”

This isn’t the first time that McLean has come up in conjunction with Ford’s accusations. A man who identified himself as a former boyfriend of Ford’s sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, saying that Ford lied under oath when she said she had never helped anyone prepare for a polygraph.

The boyfriend, whose name was redacted when the letter was released to the press, identified McLean as Ford’s “life-long best friend,” and claimed Ford used her extensive background in psychology to help McLean prepare for polygraphs she was required to take as part of a job interview.

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Keyser’s statement to the FBI offered insight into how those supporting Ford worked to find support for her version of events.

Keyser’s initial testimony that she had no recollection of the alleged assault was cited in Kavanaugh’s opening testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee during its hearing last week.

“Dr. Ford’s allegation is not merely uncorroborated, it is refuted by the very people she says were there, including by a long-time friend of hers,” Kavanaugh said, referring to Keyser.

Keyser’s statement was given to the FBI during their supplemental investigation, which was commissioned by the Senate and White House.

That supplemental investigation came following the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote to send Kavanaugh’s nomination to the floor of the Senate, last Friday, at the request of Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona.

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David Laufman, attorney for McLean, denied his client had spoken to Keyser.

“Any notion or claim that Ms. McLean pressured Leland Keyser to alter Ms. Keyser’s account of what she recalled concerning the alleged incident between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is absolutely false,” Laufman said, according to the Journal.

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Savannah Pointer is a constitutional originalist whose main goal is to keep the wool from being pulled over your eyes. She believes that the liberal agenda will always depend on Americans being uneducated and easy to manipulate. Her mission is to present the news in a straightforward yet engaging manner.
Savannah Pointer is a constitutional originalist whose professional career has been focused on bringing accuracy and integrity to her readers. She believes that the liberal agenda functions best in a shroud of half truths and misdirection, and depends on the American people being uneducated.

Savannah believes that it is the job of journalists to make sure the facts are the focus of every news story, and that answering the questions readers have, before they have them, is what will educate those whose voting decisions shape the future of this country.

Savannah believes that we must stay as informed as possible because when it comes to Washington "this is our circus, and those are our monkeys."
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