
Dick Morris: Clinton's Ties to the Uranium Scandal Continue To Grow


Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager John Podesta (and his former partner in their lobbying business), was paid $180,000 by the Russian-owned company Uranium One to push for Clinton’s approval of its acquisition of 20 percent of the U.S. uranium mines, a project near and dear to Vladimir Putin’s heart.

So let’s detail Moscow’s efforts to get the Clintons to approve the uranium acquisition:

1. The Russians paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to give a speech in Russia a few weeks before Hillary Clinton had to vote on the acquisition.

2. Moscow directed ten spies in America to infiltrate Clinton’s political apparatus to push her to back the uranium deal. The operations of these spies, disguised as Americans, are the theme of the TV drama The Americans.

3. Tony Podesta was paid $180,000 by Uranium One to push for the deal.

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4. The New York Times reported that “in total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatom.”

Yet, with all of these connections between Uranium One and the Clintons and all the payments that might have, in fact, been bribes, the Department of Justice’s investigator probing the Clintons, John Huber, has yet even to interview Doug Campbell, the FBI undercover informant who had infiltrated Uranium One, according to Campbell’s attorney Victoria Toensing.

Huber, an Obama appointee, was tasked by Attorney General Jeff Sessions with investigating the Clinton Foundation and the potential pay-for-play scandals related to Clinton’s role as secretary of state.

The fact that he has not even spoken to Campbell may be an indication that Huber is only window dressing, appointed to appease Republicans demanding a special prosecutor to lead the investigation.

Do you think the Justice Department needs to investigate Hillary Clinton?

Nor is special prosecutor Robert Mueller rushing to fill the void left by Huber’s foot-dragging. Even though Tony Podesta failed to register as an agent of a foreign power under the FARA statute, he has not been indicted or prosecuted for the same crime for which Paul Manafort faces trial later this year.

President Donald Trump’s impatient tweets have failed to move Attorney General Sessions off the dime in investigating the Clintons.

It’s time for a new attorney general.

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Dick Morris is a former adviser to President Bill Clinton as well as a political author, pollster and consultant. His most recent book, "50 Shades of Politics," was written with his wife, Eileen McGann.

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