
GOP Cedes District to Dems, Opens Door for Holocaust Denier to Run as Republican


A man who openly denies the Holocaust will be the Republican nominee in a suburban Chicago congressional district after he ran unopposed in Tuesday’s GOP primary.

The nominee, Author Jones, has been denounced by the Illinois Republican party.

“Arthur Jones is not a real Republican. He is a Nazi whose disgusting, bigoted views have no place in our nation’s discourse,” stated Tim Schneider, the Illinois Republican Party chairman.

“We strongly oppose his racist views and his candidacy for any public office, including the 3rd Congressional District.”

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“I am not now, nor have I ever been a follower of any political party, though I am a registered Republican,” reads Jones’ campaign website.

As reported by The Hill, his website also includes a section titled “The Holocaust Racket” which claims that the Holocaust is a lie.

“This idea that ‘six million Jews,’ were killed by the National Socialist government of Germany, in World War II, is the biggest, blackest, lie in history,” the site states. “Jewish International Communism and Jewish International Zionism are directly responsible for the murder of at least 300 million people and these blood thirsty criminal vampires may yet ignite a Third World War, if we don’t stop them.”

Jones confirmed his anti-Semitic views to the media.

“Well first of all, I’m running for Congress not the chancellor of Germany. All right. To me the Holocaust is what I said it is: It’s an international extortion racket,” Jones told the Chicago Sun-Times.

This isn’t the first time Jones has attempted to run for a congressional seat. In fact, according to the Chicago Sun-Times, he has run in the GOP 3rd Congressional District primary seven times since the 1990s, but was “never even close to becoming a viable contender.”

This time, he faced no Republican opponent in the primary and won by default.

“Because the GOP decided against running any candidate in the heavily Democratic district, and Jones successfully met the criteria to make the ballot, he will be the party’s nominee,” The Hill explained.

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“Even if only myself and my wife voted for me, I’d win the primary because the Republican Party screwed up big time,” Jones stated, according to The New York Times.

Given Jones’ radical anti-Semitic views and the district’s strong Democrat leaning, he is almost guaranteed to lose against whoever wins the Democrat primary, The Hill reported.

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Rebekah Baker is the former deputy managing editor of The Western Journal.
Rebekah Baker is the former deputy managing editor of The Western Journal. She graduated from Grove City College with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She has written hundreds of articles on topics like the sanctity of life, free speech and freedom of religion.
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
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