
New York Post Endorses a Presidential Candidate: 'The Clear Choice for a Better Future'


In pitting the election as a contest between “an underqualified political lightweight” who would “accelerate the progressive hurricane ripping through the fabric of American society” and an opponent exhibiting “strength and vigor” who would “free businesses from choking regulations and cut taxes for workers,” the editorial board of the New York Post is calling for Americans to return former President Donald Trump to the White House.

The endorsement comes as a Wall Street Journal report noted that the tide of support for Harris that reached a high water mark as her campaign is reaching its ebb as voters go to the polls.

The New York Post said its benchmarks include a strong, secure border, safe cities, a vibrant economy not smothered by regulations, parent-centered policies and foreign policy that projects strength.

“Only one candidate can credibly claim to lead us there. Donald Trump,” the Post wrote.

The Post said the two candidates have shown what each will bring to the next four years.

“If history is any guide, the track records of the last two administrations provide a clearly comparable record,” it wrote.

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“Before COVID wreaked havoc across the globe, Trump’s first-term results were paychecks that grew markedly faster than inflation, the lowest unemployment in 50 years, a secure border and peace overseas.”

“Over these nearly four years, inflation has walloped Americans, millions of migrants have crossed the border illegally, some cities have been taken over by gangs and crime, radical and ridiculous culture wars over DEI and gender identity have set neighbor against neighbor,” the board continued.

Amid the summaries of support and opposition to the candidates, actor Mel Gibson succinctly weighed in about Harris in a recent interview, according to Variety.

“I know what it’ll be like if we let her in. And that ain’t good. Miserable track record. No policies to speak of. She’s got the IQ of a fence post,” he said.

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In an Op-Ed in Britain’s The Telegraph, Paul du Quenoy suggested Trump had answers while Harris did not.

“His rising momentum rests on significant leads on the economy and immigration, which are by far the two most important issues for many American voters,” he wrote.

“He also benefits from a powerful popular sense that he has been unfairly targeted by overt media bias and by criminal prosecutions that are widely believed by conservatives to be politically motivated,” he wrote.

Harris, who di Quenoy labeled as “[r]hetorically challenged and chronically unable to articulate policies in detail,” is “grasping at straws.”

Harris’s recent efforts to invoke Adolf Hitler in a name-calling spree of attacks on Trump’s character “could well be Kamala Harris’s swan song on the national stage,” he wrote.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack can be reached at
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