
Simone Biles Defends Slamming MyKayla Skinner Amid Death Threats Being Sent to Former Teammate


Sending a social media snottygram former Olympic gymnast MyKayla Skinner’s way was necessary, gymnast Simone Biles says.

Skinner took to Instagram Tuesday to beg Biles to call off her followers, claiming that she and her family have been subject to harassment and death threats.

The saga began in June, when Skinner sniped at Team USA, questioning the work ethic of some younger gymnasts.

Biles did not respond publicly until after the U.S. gymnastics team won the team gold medal.

“lack of talent, lazy, olympic champions,” Biles wrote on  Instagram.

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Biles said a poke at Skinner was important so the team’s young gymnasts could witness a lesson in power.

“It’s important because you have to teach them to use their voices,” Biles said, according to People.

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“And if not, you’re a voice for the voiceless, which is OK,” she said.

“I just felt like it was right in that moment to stand up for them, because they’re so young and they haven’t fully stood in their power yet,” she said.

Biles later said Skinner blocked her on Instagram after the post.

Biles said that “for somebody to stand up, I know it meant a lot for [my teammates].”

Biles spoke to People on Tuesday, which was the same day Skinner posted her plea.

Biles has not made any public comments concerning Skinner’s plea.

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Skinner, who had earlier apologized for the comment, said Biles’s post triggered the wave of hate against her.

“Simone’s latest post and others that followed it fueled another wave of hateful comments, DMs, articles and emails. Hate that includes death threats to me, my family and even my agent. My family and my friends don’t deserve to be caught in the crossfire here. They’ve done nothing,” she said Tuesday.

“To Simone, I am asking you directly and publicly to please put a stop to this. Please ask your followers to stop. You have been an incredible champion for mental health awareness and a lot of people need your help now,” she said.

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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