
Biggest Drug Bust in Nation's History: More Than 4 Tons of Narcotics Found in Sugar Shipment


Authorities in Paraguay announced Tuesday the largest cocaine seizure in the country’s history, after officials were surprised to find more than 4 tons of the drug stashed inside a shipment of sugar bound for Belgium.

President Santiago Peña told journalists that the record discovery, code-named “Operation Sweetness,” added to a string of “very sad episodes” in Paraguay that had transformed the strategically located nation into a key drug trafficking hub in the region.

Peña expressed hope that the seizure, valued at roughly $240 million, would disrupt the cocaine trade and said police were pursuing those responsible.

“I think it sends a signal to organized gangs not to use Paraguay as transit; they’re going to find authorities that are determined and working in a coordinated way,” Peña said, promising further efforts to boost port security.

The president added: “Gangs are not going to be able to avoid all the controls that we are implementing.”

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On Monday, agents from Paraguay’s anti-drug agency, known as Senad, started unpacking the shipping containers filled with 40-kilogram (88-pound) sacks of sugar at Puerto Caacupemi, a river port in the capital, Asunción.

On Tuesday they were still sorting and weighing the cocaine concealed inside the cargo.

It wasn’t immediately clear where the drugs originated.

Unlike nearby Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, Paraguay does not produce cocaine.

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But in recent years the small landlocked nation has grabbed headlines as a smuggling haven — for cigarettes and luxury goods in addition to drugs — as cartel bosses devise new routes to reach new markets.

That has spawned corruption and even violence in a country previously unaccustomed to drug violence.

Some of the biggest cocaine busts in Europe, especially in Antwerp’s port in Belgium, have been traced back to Paraguay’s bustling river ports where dodgy deliveries can slip under the radar.

“Geographically, Paraguay has a strategic position for organized crime in the sense that we are located near the largest cocaine producers in the world,” Francisco Ayala, the representative of Senad, said from the port where authorities inspected the haul of cocaine.

The rep added: “It has a globally recognized river traffic system … it’s perfect.”

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