
Murillo: 5 Reasons You Should Be Angry


There are five reasons you should be angry about what happened to former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday.

Never waste anger or give in to the wrong kind of anger.

I have prayerfully examined the assassination attempt on Trump. Here are five reasons to be angry and what to do about it.

1. Law enforcement sniper staring at a man with a rifle on a roof

Trump is speaking. People are yelling at law enforcement for three or four minutes about a man on a roof with a rifle. A law enforcement sniper — possibly Secret Service — is staring at the man through his scope.

Social Media Posts from Trump Assassination Attempt Suspect Sound Exactly Like What You'd Hear at a Kamala Harris Rally

“The fact that USSS allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence,” Erik Prince said in an X post on Sunday. “Clearly there was adequate uncontrolled dead space for a shooter to move into position and take multiple aimed shots. Watching the newsreel one can hear how proximate the shooter is by the very short time lapse between the crack of arriving bullet (supersonic) to the boom of muzzle blast (sonic).

“The law enforcement sniper (unclear if USSS) in newsreels was clearly overwhelmed as his face came off his rifle instead of doing his job to kill the shooter. Clearly they were watching the shooter but apparently have a no ‘first shot’ policy.”

Total outrage. There was time for the crowd to photograph the shooter before the Secret Service reacted.

2. Democrats claiming both sides are to blame

We do not all bear the blame. This is one side acting out in fatal violence just as it did through 2020 and just as it did after Trump was elected in 2016.

Don’t forget the registered Democratic voter and Trump hater who shot up a baseball field of lawmakers who were having a friendly game back in 2017, hitting a Republican congressman and others.

In a widely reported call to hundreds of donors last week, Biden boasted, “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bull’s-eye.”

In an X post on Sunday, Victor Davis Hanson listed the ways notable leftists wanted to get Trump:

“By slugging his face (Robert De Niro), by decapitation (Kathy Griffin, Marilyn Manson), by stabbing (Shakespeare in the Park), by clubbing (Mickey Rourke), by shooting ( Snoop Dogg), by poisoning (Anthony Bourdain), by bounty killing (George Lopez), by carrion eating his corpse (Pearl Jam), by suffocating (Larry Whilmore), by blowing him up (Madonna, Moby), by throwing him over a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell), just by generic ‘killing’ him (Johnny Depp, Big Sean), or by martyring him (Reid Hoffman: ‘Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr’).”

3. Three months ago, Democrats tried to strip Trump of Secret Service protection

Murillo: Trump Will Need an Even Bigger Miracle Now

Democrat Bennie Thompson, the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, introduced the “Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act” (HR 8081) on April 19.

Democratic Reps. Yvette D. Clarke, Troy A. Carter Sr., Frederica Wilson, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Jasmine Crockett, Joyce Beatty, Barbara Lee and Steve Cohen co-sponsored the bill.

4. News outlets downplaying an assassination attempt

Refusing to even acknowledge it was a valid assassination attempt, leftist news outlets referred to the incident as only interruptions, loud noises or an incident.

Even after airing video that clearly showed Trump with a bloody ear being whisked away by Secret Service agents, the establishment media continued to call it a “possible” assassination attempt.

Kamden Mulder of The Federalist rounded up some examples.

“Social media is exploding with outrage over the corrupt media’s downplaying of the event,” Mulder wrote Sunday. “USA Today claimed the former president was ‘removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startle[d] former president.’ Rather than accurately reporting what happened, headlines masked gunshots as ‘popping noises.’ According to the leftist media, Trump was merely ‘startled’ by said ‘popping noises.'”

Do you agree that it's morally acceptable to be angry after the assassination attempt and the media's response?

CNN published an article after the news broke claiming the former president’s campaign speech was “interrupted by Secret Service.”

The Washington Post published the headline “Trump taken away after loud noises at rally,” with the featured photo on the article showing blood rushing down Trump’s face, underscoring the media’s hypocrisy in covering the tragic event.

They refused to call it an assassination attempt.

The cover of Time magazine included the instantly iconic picture of Trump pumping his fist in the air with the American flag flying behind him. Time’s headline read “Attack on Trump” with no mention of an attempted assassination.

5. Democrats are not done trying to get Trump

Everything points to one fact: Their hatred for Trump knows no bounds. The Democrats will do anything to prevent him from being president again.

They gaslighted us about President Joe Biden’s true cognitive condition. They allowed a global danger that is beyond words — keeping a man with dementia within reach of the nuclear launch codes.

It is a case of towering irony. They scream that the world will end if Trump is elected, but they would rather destroy the world than let him be elected.

This is no political party. It is a death cult — totally devoid of morals, decency or regard for anything but their hold on power.

Every American should be angry — angry enough to vote them all out.

But we must do more than vote. The vicious Trump haters will try to cheat again. We need action on a local level, especially in battleground states. We must get volunteers into polling places. We must put eyes and ears around the mail-in ballots. Let’s catch them in the act.

And most of all, we must thank God that Trump was spared. It was an act of mercy on America. Indescribable mercy.

This article first appeared at

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Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. After being revolutionized by Christ, he felt a call to share his faith on the riot-torn campus of the University of California, Berkeley.

His international ministry was launched after a four-day conference in San Jose, California, extended for six months with a total attendance of nearly 250,000 people.

Since then, Murillo's voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society. He presents Christ clearly and intelligently and openly declares the power of Jesus to totally transform a life. His simple declaration: Come and see.

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