
Kamala Harris' Dumbest Hits: The Time She Thought Voter ID Required Access to Kinkos - Watch


With the remainder of President Joe Biden’s term in jeopardy — and his re-election prospects — focus is shifting towards Vice President Kamala Harris as she could be the next president should Biden resign or back out as the Democratic nominee for November’s election against former President Donald Trump.

An examination of Harris’ time as vice president doesn’t yield the most promising results for what she could accomplish as commander-in-chief. While utterly failing to address the border crisis — where she was assigned to spearhead that effort — her ability to speak confidence into her role as a public servant is possibly worse.

Flashback to July 2021. In an interview with BET News for their special, “State of Our Union: Vice President Kamala Harris,” she was asked about voter ID laws.

Harris expressed disapproval with ID laws that may require a photocopy because rural Americans might not have access to a Kinkos or OfficeMax to do so.

“[I]n some people’s mind [voter ID laws] means, well, you’re going to have to xerox or photocopy your ID to send it in to prove you are who you are. Well, there are a whole lot of people, especially people who are living in rural communities, who don’t — there’s no Kinkos, there’s no OfficeMax near them.”

While opposition to voter ID laws is pretty typical left-wing rhetoric — as if showing an ID is tantamount to Jim Crow disenfranchisement — Harris’ explanation is especially stupid.

Is Kamala Harris legitimately too inept to ever be trusted as president?

Rural Americans cannot go to Kinkos or OfficeMax for a photocopy?

Does Harris believe anyone outside of the densely populated blue hellscapes that Democrats call cities are living in mud huts using smoke signals to communicate with one another?

This attitude — hilariously and poorly articulated — is quintessential left-wing paternalism.

“You are incapable of handling it yourself, so I will do it for you.”

Speaking on someone else’s behalf is the foundation of Democratic rhetoric while that demographic ironically does not support you.

Beyond Harris’ idiocy in that moment, focus on the implication now in 2024.

While Hurricane Helene Ruins Lives, Kamala Harris Does Interview on Sex-Talk Podcast to Speak About Abortion Rights

This may be who Democrats choose to run for the presidency in November.

While Biden stood firm in a Monday letter to his party over his candidacy, Harris is a name on the list of likely replacements.

What has she done to prove her worth?

She does not have a record for Democrats to support or the American people to be hopeful over.

We only have a failing border and idiotic remarks like this.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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Sam Short is an Instructor of History with Motlow State Community College in Smyrna, Tennessee. He holds a BA in History from Middle Tennessee State University and an MA in History from University College London.

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