
Man Who Tried to Transform Himself Into Dog Abandoning Dream After Realizing He's Barked Up the Wrong Tree


Even with the transgender insanity overtaking Western culture, you would think most people would instantly know they could never be an animal, even if they thought they could be the opposite sex.

Well, apparently, a Japanese man — known only as Toco — had to spend over 2 million yen (or, about $14,000) before he came to that realization.

Toco garnered millions of views on his YouTube channel chronicling his quest to become a dog — or, as close to a dog as possible.

According to an interview with Japanese publication WanQol, transforming into a dog had been something of a childhood dream for Toco, but he didn’t seriously pursue it until he was an adult.

The New York Post reported, “I remember writing in my grade school graduation book that I wanted to be a dog and walk outside,” Toco said.

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To achieve his dream, he reached out to modeling studio Zeppet to help him make his hyperrealistic collie suit, a process he said took about 10 months, per Scripps News.

The outlet noted he picked the collie in particular because the long fur and build of the collie would hide more of his human skeletal structure.

That said, he admitted, “Dogs and humans have different skeletal structures and the way we bend our legs and arms is different, so it’s very difficult to move in a way that looks like a dog’s. I’m currently researching movements that look more dog-like,” WanQol reported.

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“Also, cleaning it when it gets dirty is a bit of a pain.”

He did not seem to regret the insane amount of time and money put into this costume, although the Post noted, he is nervous to reveal his hyperrealistic dog suit to family and friends.

He also told WanQol, “I want to try to become other animals. I could realistically become another dog, a panda, or a bear. Foxes and cats are good, but they’re too small for humans to try. … I hope to make my dream of becoming another animal come true someday.”

At the very least, Toco has realized that his inherent human skeletal structure and size would make it impossible to cosplay every animal on the planet.

But he was missing one piece of that puzzle, the one piece that would explain the difficulties he’s had “becoming a dog.”

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Namely, he’s a human — and he will never be anything else but that.

Like the men who think donning dresses and mutilating themselves will make them women, the mere change of external appearance won’t ever change that reality.

Toco might look alarming like a collie, but he himself has recognized that his inherent humanity makes it difficult to completely fulfill his bizarre canine fantasy.

Still, at least, unlike the cross-dressing men demanding everyone accept them as women, Toco has the dignity to keep his real identity a secret while pursuing this bizarre dream.

Though someone might want to tell him he hasn’t actually succeeded in becoming a dog before this endeavor goes completely off the rails.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” 


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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

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