
Don't Listen to the Libs: America Has up to 485 Years of Fuel Remaining, According to New Report


When are we going to run out of energy?

You don’t hear that as much as you used to, since Those Who Know Best are working to plug up all our energy sources anyway.

Most energy sources put out carbon dioxide, and that’s going to make all the plants grow and devour us all, or it will heat the planet up and make Minneapolis a desert — and we’ll all fry.

Or something.

But we don’t hear much any more about running out of energy.

What do the experts say about it?

“According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) International Energy Outlook 2023 (IEO2023), the global supply of crude oil, other liquid hydrocarbons, and biofuels is expected to be adequate to meet the world’s demand for liquid fuels through 2050,” a U.S. Energy Information web site stated.

Ah, but the site also gave itself an out regarding its predicted bleak future: “There is substantial uncertainty about the levels of future liquid fuels supply and demand.”

That’s another way of saying — “We don’t really know.”

Which is more important?

And what they’re not saying, but what we know they believe is, “It doesn’t really make any difference when we’ll run out of energy since we want you all in 15-minute cities in your electric cars and on mass transit; just don’t ask us where the energy for that will come from.”

Or something.

And for sure, they’re not putting forth what seems to be the increasingly anti-human agenda of wanting us to freeze in the dark and starve.

But are there other experts besides the U.S. government (the people who four years ago gave us those wonderful lessons on public health)?

Indeed there are. And they give us an entirely different picture of energy supplies.

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We should have 227 years of available oil, 130 years of gas, and almost 500 years of coal.

Those are predictions from the Institute for Energy Research, an energy-focused think tank based upon free market principles.

Chicken Little predictions of energy depletion are a ruse to push for alternatives, IER President Tom Pyle told “Just the News.”

“First, they said, ‘We don’t have the resources. We’re big consumers, but we don’t have the energy. So we have to get off of the resource,’” according to Pyle.

“Then it became evident and clear that that was not the case,” he said.

In 2023, the U.S. was the biggest energy producer in the world, putting out 13 million barrels of oil per day. And that’s even after the Biden regime throttled production early in 2021.

Despite the ongoing drumbeat since the 1970s of running out of oil, EIR set out “for the purpose of shattering this myth of energy scarcity,” with a study released in 2011, the North American Energy Inventory, according to Pyle.

“To my knowledge, prior to that, nobody had taken the effort to compile, using government data … the amount of energy that we have in North America,” he said.

That 2011 report demonstrated new exploration and production technologies were increasing potential oil reserves.

The oil was there, but fracking and horizontal drilling made it commercially available.

Based on current technologies and rates of consumption and on profitability given today’s economics, North America has 1.66 trillion barrels.

That’s 15 percent higher than what EIR estimated in 2021.

Convert all that crude oil to just gasoline and, at 2023 consumption rates, gasoline-powered cars and trucks could be fueled for 539 years.

Natural gas reserves are up 47 percent since 2011 to 4.03 quadrillion feet, good for an estimated 130 years.

The U.S., with the world’s largest proven coal reserves, has enough to last 485 years.

EIR estimates are just for the U.S. and/or North American; they don’t count energy resources in other parts of the world.

And more good news from EIR: “As production increases, we find even more of a resource,” according to Pyle.

I’ve always believed that true wealth comes from the ground — whether grown in agriculture, channeled in water, or mined or pumped out as in energy.

Analysts at Doomberg, which publishes on Substack, would seem to agree, stating that energy-rich economies tend to do better even when overall times are hard.

“Energy is not an input into the economy, IT IS THE ECONOMY,” Doomberg analysts said.

“Humanity organizes its economic activities to ensure a steady growth in the extraction and exploitation of primary energy because energy is life, standards of living are defined by how much energy is available to be exploited, and all humans everywhere are perpetually seeking a higher standard of living,” according to the analysts.

That, in my judgment, emphasizes the cruelty of global elites wanting Third World nations to save the planet before they save their own health, agriculture, sanitation, transportation and entrance to world markets.

For their part EIR noted an important factor regarding energy extraction — ownership of private property.

The profit motive related to ownership of mineral rights “gets people’s skin in the game,” according to Pyle.

Governments of most countries own mineral rights. In the U.S. privately owned mineral rights result in much higher production of oil and gas than on land with the rights federally owned.

Score once again for an aspect of free market capitalism.

Energy seems plentiful, according to EIR.

And in light of establishment propaganda on alleged energy scarcity, perhaps we can say EIR is declaring an inconvenient truth.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:


“We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.” Those 12 words have been stuck in my head since I first read them. 


Former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently made that comment to Floyd Brown, founder of The Western Journal. 


And if the leftists and the elites get their way, that’s exactly what will happen — no real election, no real choice for the Electoral College, and no real say for the American people. 


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Josh Manning

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Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.
Mike Landry, PhD, is a retired business professor. He has been a journalist, broadcaster and church pastor. He writes from Northwest Arkansas on current events and business history.

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