
State GOP Revokes Convention Invitation from Guest for Criticizing Rep. Who Voted to Remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker


A Montana-sized spat is raging after a consultant aligned with former President Donald Trump was removed from the list of speakers at a Republican Party event.

Late last month Alex Bruesewitz was taken off the agenda, where he was to be the keynote speaker at a two-day series of party meetings, according to the Washington Examiner.

The Examiner said that Bruesewitz was pulled from the event due to criticism of Republican Rep. Matt Rosendale, of Montana, who was among the House members who voted to remove former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

The dispute has been splashed across social media, with Donald Trump Jr. voicing his disapproval.

“It’s really disappointing to see some Republicans in Montana engage in leftwing cancel culture. It’s even more disappointing that they would target one of my father’s strongest and most loyal supporters @alexbruesewitz,” he wrote.

In a post on X last month, Bruesewitz said that based on a 2018 vote, Rosendale was “most definitely not a MAGA-Republican. I’m glad the posers are all being exposed this year.”

The Rosendale camp believes Bruesewitz is backing entrepreneur Tim Sheehy, who is seeking the Republican nomination to run against Democratic Sen. John Tester, of Montana, according to the Examiner.

Do you support Rosendale?

Rosendale is also seeking the nomination.

State Sen. Barry Usher, the treasurer of the Montana Freedom Caucus, said there was a principle at stake behind the removal of Bruesewitz, according to the Examiner.

“I do not care if you are for Rosendale or Sheehy, this is wrong, our state GOP should NOT get involved with primary races,” he said in an email to the state party.

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Rosendale insisted he had nothing to do with the change.

“I’ll be honest with you. I don’t even know who this guy Alan is. I’ve had my hands full with productive work,” he said.

Bruesewitz was not buying that.

“He’s partaking in leftist cancel culture tactics against a Trump ally in a pro-Trump state, which is just bizarre, idiotic, and, quite frankly, uncalled for,” he said.

“There’s this false notion that Matt Rosendale wouldn’t fall in line and support Mitch McConnell for senate leader. When he ran last time Rosendale said his support for McConnell is “not in question.” Matt is a flip flopper and fake MAGA candidate. He waited for a year to endorse Trump and he got me CANCELED!” Bruesewitz wrote on X.

In another post on Friday, he noted that the anti-free speech MT “freedom” caucus and their “pay-for-play anti-Trump leader Matt Rosendale engaged in left-wing style cancel culture tactics to get me canceled!!!”

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Josh Manning

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Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
Jack Davis is a freelance writer who joined The Western Journal in July 2015 and chronicled the campaign that saw President Donald Trump elected. Since then, he has written extensively for The Western Journal on the Trump administration as well as foreign policy and military issues.
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