
UN Set to Tell Americans to Drastically Decrease Meat Consumption


The United Nations wants a word on what you’re planning on having for dinner.

The globalist body’s Food and Agriculture Organization is slated to release a manifesto on altering the global diet during next month’s COP28 environmentalist event, according to Bloomberg.

The diet of Western and developed nations — most prominently that of the United States — will be a focus of the plan.

The annual meat consumption of Western societies dwarfs the intake of those living  in Africa and Asia — the world’s poorest continents.

Some environmental extremists have long objected to modern-day livestock practices that fuel the world’s food supply, citing the carbon emissions created by animals ultimately consumed by humans.

Will you listen to UN officials if they tell you to eat less meat?

The U.N. agency behind the program is led by Qu Dongyu, a former government official of the People’s Republic of China.

The bureaucrat has pointed to “agrifood systems” as a key topic of conversation for the event.

The organization has no power to compel sovereign nations to change their food practices.

Instead, the U.N. intends to spur voluntary change by advocating against meat consumption.

The United Arab Emirates — which is hosting the COP28 event — called on changes to the global diet in a July statement.

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The Middle Eastern monarchy’s economy is entirely dependent on the production of fossil fuels — themselves long a topic of great consequence for environmentalists.

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida pointed to the inconsistencies between the UAE’s energy interests and its green advocacy against Western meat consumption in a Tuesday tweet.

The health and safety of faux meat products — some of which contain heavily-processed ingredients and even insects — have come into question.

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