
Outsider GOP Candidate Vows to Make Epstein Client List Public


Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy wants Americans to know the truth about how powerful people abuse their power.

According to the Times-Republican of Marshalltown, Iowa, Ramaswamy made a campaign stop on Thursday at Legends American Grill in Marshalltown, where he took questions from an audience of more than 100 people. One woman framed her question as an urgent request.

“Epstein list. Please, for our sanity’s sake, make that list public. I’m tired of being called a conspiracy theorist,” the woman said.

In August 2019, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein died under suspicious circumstances while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Many have questioned the official verdict of suicide-by-hanging. A recent report from the DOJ’s Office of Inspector General “did not uncover evidence” of foul play in Epstein’s death.

Nonetheless, doubts persist. Various reports have connected many wealthy and powerful people to Epstein’s hedonistic lair on the tiny Caribbean island of Little St. James, which one criminal complaint described as “the perfect hideaway and haven for trafficking young women and underage girls for sexual servitude, child abuse and sexual assault,” according to The Independent.

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Thus, skeptical Americans such as the woman in Marshalltown want to know which of their wealthy and powerful government officials might have had a motive for silencing Epstein.

Ramaswamy sympathized.

“I think what we have a lot in this country are a lot of conspiracy realists. And so, I’m one of them,” he said in response to the questioner.

Then, the Republican presidential candidate promised to deliver should he win the White House in 2024.

Do you support Ramaswamy?

“But I want to be tied to the facts, not to the narratives,” he said. “So we will publish the Jeffrey Epstein client list. No doubt about it. No doubt about it.”

Ramaswamy’s “no doubt about it” promise reaffirmed a standing pledge he made on social media.

“We need to expose the Epstein client list. The federal government has it. I’ll release it as the next U.S. President. We’re fighting corruption & no one will be spared,” Ramaswamy tweeted on May 21.

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On Thursday, Ramaswamy hinted that he would reveal more than the Epstein client list.

“Think about the people who we’ve spent millions of dollars of congressional hush money, taxpayer money, used to settle sexual assault allegations for members of Congress. It’s a secret list. Why?” he said.

Finally, Ramaswamy suggested that the public should know about all abuses of government power.

“Anytime a government official has pressure private actors to do through the back door what government couldn’t do through the front door, at least publish it,” he said.

The Recount, a video journalism site, posted a clip of Ramaswamy’s answer on X Thursday. Readers can view the clip below:

Skeptics might note that Ramaswamy himself has not entirely escaped the Epstein orbit.

According to the U.K. Daily Mail, billionaire Glenn Dubin and his wife Eva Andersson-Dubin have given more than $100,000 to support Ramaswamy’s presidential bid. The Daily Mail report described the Dubins as “close friends of Epstein.” Andersson-Dubin, formerly Miss Sweden, once dated Epstein.

Ramaswamy spokeswoman Trisha McLaughlin downplayed the donations.

“‘Vivek has no knowledge of this, just as he doesn’t know of any of the one-off accusations against any of his 100,000-plus individual donors to the campaign, let alone those who donate to outside efforts that Vivek isn’t involved with,” McLaughlin said according to the Daily Mail.

Whatever the reason for the Dubins’ contributions, Ramaswamy unquestionably has built his campaign around anti-establishment themes. Among Republican presidential candidates, for instance, he has emerged as the most vocal critic of a weaponized justice system. In that context, he also has been the most reliable defender of former President Donald Trump.

Above all, Ramaswamy seems to understand a key fact about the electorate. At no time perhaps in the last 100 years have Americans trusted their government less than they do today.

Releasing the Epstein client list might affirm trust in Ramaswamy’s word. Depending on the names it reveals, however, the list might only confirm that Americans have had good reason for holding rich and powerful members of the American establishment in such low esteem.

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Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.
Michael Schwarz holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. He has published one book and numerous essays on Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and the Early U.S. Republic. He loves dogs, baseball, and freedom. After meandering spiritually through most of early adulthood, he has rediscovered his faith in midlife and is eager to continue learning about it from the great Christian thinkers.

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