
Watch: Biden Makes Inappropriate Joke Toward Italian PM, Threatens Her with Jill's Maiden Name


President Joe Biden managed to insult more than one ethnic group during his meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in the Oval Office of the White House on Thursday.

“I just want you to know, I was raised in a neighborhood where I felt self-conscious my name didn’t end in ‘O,'” Biden said.

“And I want you to know I’m the only non-Italian named the man of the year by the Italian Society,” he continued.

The president added that while he was getting the award, he named all the Italian names of the families he grew up and said, “I was thinking about this … I deserve this award.”

As if the ordeal of being around Italians entitled him to an award from them.

“I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid,” Biden continued, which sounded very much like an insult to the Irish.

“I married Dominic Giacoppa’s granddaughter. I want you to know that, OK? Be nice to me,” he said to the Italian prime minister,  gesturing almost threateningly with his hands as if channeling his inner Vito Corleone.

The whole conversation was bizarre and, for any other president, likely would turn into an international incident with accusations of racist undertones. With Biden, however, it’s just par for the course.

Heads of state seem to realize that the president has become like the senile uncle you visit at the nursing home — the one who makes racist jokes and hugs the ladies a bit too long, but you just smile and shake your head because you know he’s not “all there.”

During Biden’s recent visit to the United Kingdom, King Charles III had to gently guide him to keep him from being distracted.

The following week, Israeli President Isaac Herzog nodded politely and agreed while Biden mumbled incoherently in what seemed like sleep-talking during a recent state visit.

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Biden also has a long history of what the left would refer to as “cultural appropriation.”

In October, The Washington Post published an article headlined “Biden is actually Greek. And Jewish. And raised by Puerto Ricans.”

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The piece listed the varied communities the president has claimed to be from, or associated with, over the years.

On Sept. 30, he told a group of Jewish people during a Rosh Hashanah celebration that he “probably went to shul more than many of you did.”

A few days later, during remarks after Hurricane Fiona hit Puerto Rico, Biden said, “I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.”

At a Greek Independence Day reception in March, Biden claimed that when he first ran for his Senate seat, people started calling him “Joe Bidenopolous because of the overwhelming support he got from the Greek-American community.”

And during a November 2019 presidential debate, he declared, “I come out of a black community, in terms of my support,” the Washington Examiner reported at the time.

Fox News host Jesse Watters summed it all up when he tweeted, “Joe Bidenopoulos is now the first black, Puerto Rican, Greek, Jewish, truck driving, professor President.”

Despite Biden’s efforts to appeal to a broad range of people, what truly matters to the public is not his ethnic background but his commitment to upholding the Constitution and his mental capacity for leading the nation effectively.

And that’s where Biden is failing miserably.

We really don’t care what his ethnicity or race is.

We just wish he could do his job.

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Rachel Emmanuel has served as the director of content on a Republican congressional campaign and writes content for a popular conservative book franchise.
Rachel M. Emmanuel has served as the Director of Content on a Republican Congressional campaign and writes for a popular Conservative book franchise.

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