
Disturbing Report: Female Teen Nat'l Guard Recruit Forced to Shower with Man Claiming to Be Woman


The culture wars are even coming to military showers.

At a Senate confirmation hearing last week for President Joe Biden’s choice for the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, South Dakota GOP Sen. Mike Rounds discussed a disturbing report he said he received about a young recruit in his state’s National Guard.

And it should be raising the blood pressure of parents across the country.

An 18-year-old woman was forced to not only sleep in the same quarters as men who are supposedly transitioning to women, but had to shower with them as well — with male genitalia completely uncovered.

Check out the video here:

“I’m aware of a situation — it was just brought to my attention — where a young woman in the South Dakota National Guard experienced a situation at basic training, where she was sleeping in open bays and showering with biological males who had not had gender reassignment surgery but were documented as females because they have begun the drug therapy process,” Rounds told Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown.

The woman was “uncomfortable” but had “limited options,” Rounds said.

Do you think Biden is making America’s military weaker?

“If she raised her hand, she feared she’d be targeted for retaliation. She could have recycled which would have delayed her freshman college start and would not have provided a guarantee of a different situation,” he said.

“She could request to leave the Guard for religious purposes and not be able to pursue her dream of serving our country.”

Then he put the question to Brown:

“If confirmed as the chairman, how do you propose to handle situations like this which, I truly believe, may be impacting recruitment and morale by placing a disproportionate emphasis on gender-related ideology.”

Brown offered basically nothing in response — some noncommittal words about “being inclusive” versus “making other individuals uncomfortable” in “how we approach situations like this.”

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That’s the kind of blather that can work in a job interview if the interviewer isn’t being especially aggressive — and Rounds was not in the least aggressive in following up. (At the same hearing, Republican Sen. Eric Schmitt of Missouri took a far more confrontational tone.)

But it’s exactly the kind of blather Americans should not tolerate from their military commanders — nor from the political leadership the military answers to.

The answer is not improving “how we approach situations like this.” It’s not allowing situations like this in the first place.

If there is a reason to segregate the sexes in the military, there’s a reason to segregate sexes in the military — and those reasons aren’t changed by a transgender ideology that has existed for barely an eye blink on the scale of human history.

The fact that a young man is so mentally disturbed that he fancies himself a woman should be grounds for not accepting him into the service at all. But if that is not an acceptable answer in the United States of 2023, he belongs where he belongs — with other young men.

Everyone reading this knows that. Everyone who’s not reading this knows that. All but the most deluded mind poisoned by the Democratic Party’s mania of the 21st century knows, deep down, that it’s true just as humans universally understand the law of gravity is true. The fact that they pretend otherwise doesn’t change that.

Rounds didn’t offer any evidence for his opinion that madness like this is hurting military recruitment, but the Occam’s razor school of thought suggests it certainly could have something to do with it.

American leftists in politics, in the education system, in the establishment media and in the entertainment culture have spent literally decades planting the seeds in young minds that the United States is the bastard child of rank imperialism and chattel slavery — yet the country is surprised that there is an apparent dearth of young people willing to sign up to die for their country?

Even more important, military service is a tradition in many families — and those families are rarely the kind that get enthusiastic about men pretending to be women or vice versa. When the progressives of the Biden administration jam leftist ideology into the military, it turns even reliable recruiting bases away.

And now comes word that young women who do sign up to serve their country could be exposing themselves — quite literally — to naked men, with full male appendages and, since they claim to be women, clearly diseased minds.

There are very few, vanishingly few, parents who want to see their daughters in that situation. And probably even fewer young women who would be tempted by the idea.

The military is pretty much the ultimate results-oriented organization — if it’s successful, Americans survive and the nation thrives. If it’s unsuccessful, Americans die — real Americans, really dead. And the country becomes unrecognizable.

Leftists who like to pretend that putting on the uniform of any branch of the American military is about as meaningful as shimmying in a pink boa at an “all ages” drag show are going to either remember that or be forced to learn it by circumstances.

In a letter to the editor in The Wall Street Journal on Monday (on a different topic), a WSJ reader wrote: “There’s an old saying that every country has a choice between two armies: its own or someone else’s.”

In a world that includes serious military dangers — most evidently the rise of an increasingly bellicose China — the military the left wants to fashion as its own is going to leave future generations facing the once-unthinkable possibility that it will be someone else’s military that’s in charge.

As a career military officer, a four-star general and chief of staff of the United States Air Force, Brown is clearly an intelligent, dedicated and resourceful man.

But those qualities mean little without the right political leadership.

In the U.S., the civilian government decides the fate of the military. And until Americans wrest back control of the government from a clearly deluded movement that pretends the innate characteristics of sex are as changeable as a pair of Carrie Bradshaw’s Manolo Blahniks, the disaster of the Biden years is going to get deeper and deeper ingrained.

So, conservatives should pray for the young woman Rounds described. They should pity and pray for the clearly ill individuals who are apparently part of her Guard recruiting class.

But what really matters is taking action over the next year and a half and in November 2024 to make sure the change the country needs really happens. It’s a culture war that has to be won — in the showers and everywhere else.

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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