
'A Two-Tiered System of Justice': FBI Agent Steps Forward to Confirm Troubling Piece of Biden Whistleblower's Story


When it comes to investigating the scandals surrounding the FBI leadership’s protection for Hunter Biden, James Comer keeps turning up the heat.

The Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee released a statement Monday night declaring an FBI agent in Delaware had confirmed a whistleblower’s account now-President Joe Biden’s transition team had been “tipped off” to a plan by FBI and IRS agents to interview the president’s wayward son in December 2020.

The tip apparently came from the FBI’s headquarters in Washington — and the interview never took place.

According to a news release from Comer’s committee, an unnamed FBI agent in Wilmington, Delaware, gave a transcribed interview on Monday that backed IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who has been instrumental in piercing the web of lies that’s been spun up around the cosseted younger Biden.

According to the New York Post, Shapley testified during a May 26 hearing of the House Ways and Means Committee that he and an FBI supervisory agent in Wilmington, Delaware, had planned to interview Hunter Biden at his Los Angeles home on Dec. 8, 2020.

He identified the FBI man who was to accompany him as Supervisory Special Agent Joe Gordon.

Because Hunter Biden had Secret Service protection as the son of the then-president-elect, the plan was for an FBI supervisor in Los Angeles to notify the Secret Service detail at 8 a.m. that the IRS and FBI were on their way, Shapley said, according to the Post.

Will the Hunter Biden story be Joe Biden's downfall?

It didn’t work out that way.

Instead, according to the Post, Shapley said, in the evening of Dec. 7, “I was informed that FBI headquarters had notified Secret Service headquarters and the transition team about the planned actions the following day. This essentially tipped off a group of people very close to President Biden and Hunter Biden and gave this group an opportunity to obstruct the approach on the witnesses.”

And obstruct they did.

Instead of getting an 8 a.m. interview with an unprepared target of their investigation, Shapley and the FBI agent were ordered to cool their heels until Hunter called them.

Astute Americans can probably guess what happened.

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According to Shapley, he and Gordon waited in a car outside Hunter’s home until getting a phone call from an FBI supervisor who said they would be contacted by Hunter Biden’s attorneys.

When the attorneys did call, they said they’d be willing to accept any papers Shapley and Gordon had brought, Shapley said, but said their client wouldn’t be talking questions.

So, instead of an interview on Dec. 8, the investigators got — along with the rest of the world — a statement from Hunter that “I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advise my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs.”

It must be nice to be a Biden. If word starts to get around that FBI and IRS agents are going to be knocking on the door, the big guys at IRS HQ are there to put a squelch on it. There are no morning raids — like Hunter is a pro-life protester or something.

There’s not even a need to talk to the agents — just give them the privileged palm of your hand and say you’ll get back to them when it’s convenient. (Then make it at your attorney’s convenience.)

Then issue a news release to show what a stand-up guy you are and to demonstrate how a Biden would never, in a million years, your word as a Biden, do anything that would make the American people suspicious about favorable treatment.

It’s yet another tawdry tale that portrays the FBI powers in Washington as repugnantly corrupt. The organization that helped impose the disaster of the Biden presidency on the country with its pre-election manipulation of social media giants Twitter and Facebook protecting its investment in the Biden family by protecting its most errant member.

And, as the social media response showed, it should be infuriating Americans anew.

“How long are we going to let this putrid corruption continue?” journalist Tammy Bruce asked.

“What did Director Wray know and when did he know it?” investigative reporter Paul Sperry questioned.

“Hunter Biden was tipped off that IRS and FBI criminal investigators were planning on interviewing him,” wrote Rep. Greg Murphy, a North Carolina Republican. “The reason? He’s got the last name Biden.

“Two-tiered justice system.”

In the Oversight Committee news release, Comer echoed the “two-tiered system of justice” charge, and declared that his committee is pressing on with its investigations.

The next major step is likely to be Wednesday, when Shapley is scheduled to testify before the Oversight Committee along with an as yet unidentified IRS agent.

“The Justice Department’s efforts to cover up for the Bidens reveals a two-tiered system of justice that sickens the American people,” Comer said in the release.

“The Oversight Committee, along with the Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.”

Well, for starters, the American people deserve to be told the truth about what’s happening here in terms that are more honest than those being thrown around lately.

What the country is witnessing is not a “two-tiered justice system,” it’s a “two-tiered legal system.”

There is no “justice” in treating thousands of Americans who were on hand for the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion like they are a clear-and-present danger to the Republic while shrugging off the depredations of tens of millions of violent rioters who burned American cities in 2020.

There is no “justice” in arresting pro-life demonstrators in early morning raids with guns drawn while ignoring the actual violence of those who bomb pregnancy centers.

There is no “justice” in a wastrel princeling like Hunter Biden being allowed to escape the consequences of a lifetime of deviancy because of his father’s wealth, power, and utter incompetence as a politician, a parent and as a man.

There is a “legal system,” however, which Democrats have warped, along with too much of the rest of the government, into a weapon they can use against the American people.

It’s going to take the efforts of more than Comer and his committee to return that government to its rightful role as the guarantor of American rights, not the destroyer of them.

But Comer is making a damn good start.

And he’s making it hot for more people than just those named “Biden.”

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Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro desk editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015.
Joe has spent more than 30 years as a reporter, copy editor and metro editor in newsrooms in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Florida. He's been with Liftable Media since 2015. Largely a product of Catholic schools, who discovered Ayn Rand in college, Joe is a lifelong newspaperman who learned enough about the trade to be skeptical of every word ever written. He was also lucky enough to have a job that didn't need a printing press to do it.

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