
Furious House Democrat Launches Impassioned Defense of 'Patriot' George Soros During Hearing


In a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing, Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee vehemently defended billionaire investor George Soros, expressing her offense at the critical remarks made by Rep. Thomas Tiffany, a Republican committee member from Minnesota.

According to a report from Fox News, Congressman Tiffany had commented that any sanctuary city in the United States, would likely also have a “Soros prosecutor.”

Lee, who represents Texas, wasted no time in defending Soros.

She stated, “Let me ask you this: First of all we have accusatory commentary of Soros DA’s. Let us not put an individual that is not here, a contributing American, and jeopardize his life, or always throwing his name out in the most ugliest of ways.”

The Congresswoman continued: “I am offended by that. Mr. Soros does not deserve that. He is an American and a patriot, and he also comes from a minority community, one might say, and you create a dangerous situation. That’s unfortunate.”

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Her impassioned defense of Soros sheds light on the divisive views surrounding the prominent figure.

Soros has long been a controversial person due to his significant financial contributions to political campaigns and his efforts to reshape America’s criminal justice system according to his progressive ideals.

Critics argue that Soros’s substantial financial support has had a tangible impact on election outcomes.

His contributions have influenced races across the country, including recent primary wins for progressive candidates in Virginia and the successful campaign of far-left Pittsburgh District Attorney Matt Dugan.

Has George Soros done significant damage to America with his “progressive” initiatives?

As Rep. Tiffany pointed out, Soros has made significant investments in campaigns supporting liberal District Attorney candidates in large U.S. cities.

Once elected, these new DA’s tend to be more lenient in sentencing convicted criminals and some have accused them of fostering an environment of lawlessness.

Soros’s investments have also extended to broader initiatives, with his Open Society Foundations pledging $70 million in 2020 to support local efforts focused on criminal justice reform and advancing racial equality.

Soros’s donations to anti-police groups and initiatives have faced heavy criticism.

Reports indicate that his nonprofits have contributed $35 million to causes advocating for defunding the police and supporting efforts to dismantle law enforcement.

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While Rep. Jackson Lee’s staunch defense of Soros resonates with those who believe he is unfairly targeted, it is crucial to recognize the ongoing contentious debate surrounding his influence.

Critics, primarily from conservative circles, raise concerns about the potential sway Soros’s financial contributions may have on election outcomes and the broader implications for the criminal justice system.

In light of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s impassioned defense of George Soros, it is clear that the role of money in politics and its impact on policy continues to be a contentious issue.

Critics argue that Soros’s significant financial contributions to political campaigns and advocacy organizations give him an undue influence over the democratic process.

They raise concerns about the potential distortion of democratic principles when wealthy individuals can exert outsized influence through their financial resources.

The ongoing debate surrounding Soros serves as a reminder of the complex interplay between money, power, and political influence in American democracy.

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