
'Duck Dynasty' Star Shares Shocking Story of What Happened When She Tried to Promote Faith-Based Books at Library


When “Drag Queen Story Hour” for children at local libraries became a celebrated thing — and opposition to it became verboten, at least in the eyes of the establishment media — Christian actor Kirk Cameron had an idea:

If that kind of indoctrination was allowed in a publicly funded institution, so, too. should be reading patriotic, wholesome books for kids at the selfsame libraries.

If this were about the abstract value of freedom of expression, one would think Cameron and Co. would be welcomed with open arms. Instead, according to one of the stars working with him — “Duck Dynasty” star Missy Robertson — library staff harassed them as they were trying to film promos for an event in Hendersonville, Tennessee.

As word of the confrontation spread, the fallout has been dramatic. On Tuesday, WTVF-TV in Nashville reported that police were investigating a bomb threat that had been emailed to the library.  The same day, WKRN-TV in Nashville reported that Mayor Jamie Clary warned Tuesday that there had been “multiple threats” against the library.

When The Western Journal contacted the library by phone on Wednesday morning, it was answered by a voice mail message saying, “Hello, you’ve reached the library. We’ve had to close. Please call back another day.”

In a podcast published Thursday hosted by her husband, Jase, and father-in-law Phil, Missy Robertson said staff used loud music and other noises to disrupt the promo filming.

Fox News had previously reported that the Feb. 25 event was initially supposed to be moved to a church, with library staff officially stating the reason was that it hadn’t planned for such “a large-scale event.”

However, the board of directors backpedaled after community outrage regarding the cancelation.

Representatives for Cameron — who is touring behind his children’s book “As You Grow,” which imparts biblical wisdom on young’uns — begged to differ with the library’s initial excuse.

Are Christians being targeted by the left?

Brave Books, which published “As You Grow,” said in a statement, “A head official at Hendersonville Public Library has been pushing back against the story-hour event all week.”

“A head official realized this event was going to be much more than a typical story hour. Noticing guests like Missy Robertson [of ‘Duck Dynasty’ fame] and [women’s sports advocate] Riley Gaines … the official at the library reached out to us informing us that the story hour would not be happening on the 25th.

“The official said he did not want a movement coming to his library,” the Brave Books statement added.

To hear Missy Robertson tell it, this had nothing to do with issues with the Hendersonville Public Library being unable to cope with a “large-scale event.” On the podcast, Fox News reported on Tuesday, Missy Robertson “described how staff members made loud noises and played music from behind the front desk after they had asked for about a minute of quiet to record their videos.”

The woman at the front desk of the library said, “‘We’re just trying to look for things to deal with our stress,'” said Robertson — author of her own children’s book, “Because You’re My Family.”

Library Director Gets the Boot After Allegedly Disrupting Kirk Cameron, 'Duck Dynasty' Star Reading Event

“Stre— … what stress? … We’re just standing there with a camera doing a marketing video,” she continued.

“That’s when I turned my phone on. I started recording. I was like, ‘This is blatant and ridiculous.'”

Furthermore, she said that the library staff had been effusive in their praise — before they found out who Cameron was.

“When they scheduled to have this function at the library, there was so much outpouring, great response from the community, that the guy that was running the library could not believe,” she said.

“He was like, ‘Whoever y’all are, y’all must be great, because this is the most we’ve ever had from a public event. Like, this is going to be awesome, whoever this Kurt Cameron guy is.'”

I guess he found out in a hurry, which is why things allegedly went south.

And when the event went off, things weren’t much better, according to Robertson. She said that, while “hundreds” of people were waiting for the event outside the library in the cold rain, staff wouldn’t let them inside.

“Not only were they rude to us … they were just super rude to their entire community that lived there in Hendersonville, Tennessee, because that is a public library and they could have invited all those people that were standing out in the rain to come and form lines inside the library, down the aisles, sit on the ground,” Robertson said.

“We weren’t even reading in the library part, we were down the hall in a conference room. They wouldn’t let them in. They made them stand outside in the freezing cold with their children in the rain. Total rudeness to me.”

Brave Books, meanwhile, said the staff “treated us terribly, unfortunately.”

Now, granted, it’s a they-said, he-and-she-said situation here. However, the Hendersonville Public Library’s statement declined to comment, according to Fox, despite the fact nearly a week had passed since the podcast had gone up for them to get their ducks in a row if this were really just a case of juggling an event too large to handle.

But, the fact is that no matter what, Kirk Cameron’s tour has generated roughly as much controversy in the media as Drag Queen Story Hour. Think about that for a second.

The very concept of a drag queen is an inherently sexualized one; that bedrock fact cannot be erased. A “drag queen” doesn’t just put on women’s clothing, makeup and prosthetics, he does so in a way that exaggerates feminine features in a manner that makes Jessica Rabbit look like an Amish grandmother. In the case we’re talking about here, he then goes to a local library in that get-up and reads to children with the goal of normalizing the concept in young, impressionable minds.

Kirk Cameron wrote a children’s book based on biblical wisdom — the same wisdom that undergirds Western society — and is touring the country reading it. He was being joined by another Christian star who did roughly the same thing. There’s no fire-and-brimstone, nothing of the sort.

Both events, to be fair, get pushback. Which one gets singled out by the establishment media for hysteria?

We all know the answer to that one.

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C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014.
C. Douglas Golden is a writer who splits his time between the United States and Southeast Asia. Specializing in political commentary and world affairs, he's written for Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal since 2014. Aside from politics, he enjoys spending time with his wife, literature (especially British comic novels and modern Japanese lit), indie rock, coffee, Formula One and football (of both American and world varieties).
Morristown, New Jersey
Catholic University of America
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Topics of Expertise
American Politics, World Politics, Culture

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